NOTICEAll frequency converters must have the same powerrange. All variable speed pumps must be of the samesize. Fixed speed pumps may be of different sizes. SeeIllustration 3.96.100% 100% 200% 200%e30ba593.12Relay 1Relay 2Relay 101212 3 4Illustration 3.96 Mixed Pump Configuration3.24.3 Unequal Pump Size ConfigurationThe unequal pump size configuration supports a limitedmix of fixed speed pumps in different sizes. This configu-ration provides the largest range of system output with thesmallest number of pumps.3.24.4 Using Soft Starters for Fixed SpeedPumpsIn a mixed pump configuration, contractors can bereplaced with soft starters.NOTICEMixing soft starters and contactors hinders the control ofoutput pressure during the staging and destagingtransitions. The use of soft starters delays staging due tothe ramp time of a fixed speed pump.27-01 Pump StatusShows the status of each pump in the system.Option: Function:[0] * Ready The pump is available for use by theCascade Controller.[1] On Drive The pump is:• Running.• Connected to the frequencyconverter.• Controlled by the CascadeController.[2] On Mains The pump is:• Running.• Connected to mains.• Controlled by the CascadeController.[3] Offline - Off The pump is off and not available for useby the Cascade Controller.[4] Offline - OnMainsThe pump is:• Running.• Connected to mains.• Not available for use by theCascade Controller.[5] Offline - OnDriveThe pump is:• Running.• Connected to the frequencyconverter.• Not available for use by theCascade Controller.[6] Offline - Fault The pump is:• Running.• Connected to mains.• Not available for use by theCascade Controller.[7] Offline - Hand The pump is:• Running.• Connected to mains.• Not available for use by theCascade Controller.[8] Offline -ExternalInterlockThe pump is off and is externallyinterlocked.[9] Spinning The Cascade Controller is executing aspin cycle of the pump.[10] No RelayConnectionThe pump is not directly connected tothe frequency converter, and a relay isnot assigned to the pump.Parameter Description VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202224 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG20OB0233