3.25.5 29-5* Flow ConfirmationThe flow confirmation feature is designed for applicationswhere there is a need for the motor/pump to run whilewaiting for an external event. The flow confirmationmonitor expects to receive a digital input from a sensor ona gate valve, flow switch, or a similar external device,indicating that the device is in the open position and flowis possible. In parameter 29-50 Validation Time, define forhow long the VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202 waits for the digitalinput signal from the external device to confirm the flow.After the flow is confirmed, the frequency converter checksthe signal again after the flow verification time and thenruns normally. The LCP status reads Verifying flow while theflow monitor is active.The frequency converter trips with the alarm Flow NotConfirmed if the expected digital input signal becomesinactive before either the flow validation time or the flowverification time expires.130BD766.10N MAXN MIN00110101234t0 t2TTTT1 Speed curve.2 Start command (for example, terminal 18).3 Digital signal from an external device that confirms thatthe flow is possible.4 Flow verification.t0 Start command issued (for example, terminal 18 is setactive).t1 Digital signal from an external device becomes activebefore parameter 29-50 Validation Time expires.t2 When parameter 29-51 Verification Time passes, thefrequency converter checks the signal from the externaldevice again and then runs normally.Illustration 3.115 Flow Confirmation29-50 Validation TimeRange: Function:Sizerelated*[ 0 -999 s]NOTICEParameter 29-50 Validation Time isonly visible in the LCP if a digitalinput is set to [86] Flow Confirmation(see parameter group 5-1* DigitalInputs).The digital input from an external devicemust be active during the validation time.29-51 Verification TimeRange: Function:15 s* [ 0.10 -255 s]NOTICEParameter 29-51 Verification Time is onlyvisible in the LCP if a digital input is setto [86] Flow Confirmation (see parametergroup 5-1* Digital Inputs).When the time in this parameter passes, thefrequency converter checks the signal from theexternal device. If the signal is active, thefrequency converter runs normally.29-52 Signal Lost Verification TimeEnter the length of the delay after which the signal is consideredto be lost. This parameter is ignored if parameter 29-53 FlowConfirmation Mode is set to [0] Confirmation Only.Range: Function:1 s* [0.01 - 255 s]29-53 Flow Confirmation ModeSelect the operating mode of the flow monitor function.Option: Function:[0] * ConfirmationOnlyThe flow confirmation function is onlyactive during the start-up of the pump.[1] Monitor andStopThe flow confirmation function is activeduring and after the pump start-up. Thefrequency converter performs a rampdown to a stop if the input signal is lost.[2] Monitor andCoastThe flow confirmation function is activeduring and after the pump start-up. Thefrequency converter performs coasting ifthe input signal is lost.Parameter Description VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202240 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. MG20OB0233