22-26 Dry Pump FunctionSelect the action for dry-pump operation.Option: Function:[1] Warning NOTICETo use dry-pump detection:1. Enable low-power detection inparameter 22-21 Low PowerDetection.2. Commission low-power detectionusing either parameter group22-3* No-flow Power Tuning NoFlow Power Tuning, orparameter 22-20 Low Power AutoSet-up.NOTICEDo not set parameter 14-20 Reset Mode to[13] Infinite auto reset, whenparameter 22-26 Dry Pump Function is setto [2] Alarm. Doing so causes thefrequency converter to continuously cyclebetween running and stopping when adry-pump condition is detected.NOTICEFor frequency converters with constant-speed bypass.If an automatic bypass function starts thebypass at persistent alarm conditions,disable the automatic bypass function, if[2] Alarm or [3] Man. Reset Alarm isselected as the dry-pump function.The frequency converter continues to run, butactivates a dry-pump warning (warning 93, Drypump). A frequency converter digital output or aserial communication bus can communicate awarning to other equipment.[2] Trip The frequency converter stops running andactivates a dry-pump alarm (alarm 93, Drypump). A frequency converter digital output or aserial communication bus can communicate analarm to other equipment.[3] ManualReset TripThe frequency converter stops running andactivates a dry-pump alarm (alarm 93, Drypump). A frequency converter digital output or aserial communication bus can communicate analarm to other equipment.[4] Stop andTrip22-27 Dry Pump DelayRange: Function:10 s* [0 -600 s]Defines for how long the dry-pump conditionmust be active before activating a warning or analarm.The frequency converter waits for the no-flowdelay time (parameter 22-24 No-Flow Delay) toexpire before the timer for the dry-pump delaystarts.22-28 No-Flow Low Speed [RPM]Range: Function:Size related* [ 0 - par.4-13 RPM]Used to set the speed for no-flowlow-speed detection.If a low-speed detection at a speeddifferent from the motor minimumspeed is needed, this parameter maybe used.22-29 No-Flow Low Speed [Hz]Range: Function:Size related* [ 0 - par.4-14 Hz]Used to set the speed for no-flowlow-speed detection.If a low-speed detection at a speeddifferent from the motor minimumspeed is needed, this parameter maybe used.3.19.3 22-3* No-flow Power TuningIf auto set-up is disabled in parameter 22-20 Low PowerAuto Set-up, the tuning sequence is:NOTICESet parameter 1-03 Torque Characteristics before tuningtakes place.1. Close the main valve to stop flow.2. Run with motor until the system has reachednormal operating temperature.3. Press [Hand On] and adjust speed for approxi-mately 85% of rated speed. Note the exact speed.4. Read power consumption either by looking foractual power in the data line in the LCP or byviewing 1 of the following parameters:4a Parameter 16-10 Power [kW].Or4b Parameter 16-11 Power [hp] in the MainMenu.Note the power readout.5. Change speed to approximately 50% of ratedspeed. Note the exact speed.Parameter Description Programming GuideMG20OB02 Danfoss A/S © 05/2018 All rights reserved. 1813 3