Chapter 5—System Configuration and Operation110 Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—October 2016 www.eaton.comWiring Diagrams for the MCCB Feeder Operation ModeFigure 140. Isolated 24 Vdc Inputs/24 Vdc Outputs/24 Vdc PowerFigure 141. Non-isolated 24 Vdc Inputs/24 Vdc Outputs/24 Vdc C445 PowerCLOSEI1 I2C445BD-SD...CH1CH2I3 I4 C 0V 24V Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 C Q3 24V 0V PEC D0 D1Optional ModbusRESETREMOTECB MOTOROPERATOR24V CONOFFCH1CH2(+) Uc(-) Uc24 VDC(+) Us(-) Us24 VDCC445U…CLOSEI1 I2C445BD-SD...CH1CH2I3 I4 C 0V 24V Q1 Q1 Q2 Q2 Q3 C Q3 24V 0V PEC D0 D1Optional ModbusCB MOTOROPERATOR24V CONOFFCH1CH2(+) Us(-) Us24 VDCRESETREMOTEC445U…