Chapter 5—System Configuration and Operation76 Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—October 2016 www.eaton.comReverser Operation ModeDescriptionThe Reverser starter profile will use the motor1 parametersfor all control/protections.C445 outputs:● Output 1 is configured as the FWD relay output● Output 2 is configured as the REV relay output● Output 3 is general purposeOutput 1 controls the FORWARD contactor. Output 1 willclose when a valid FWD(RUN1) command is received andthere is no active fault or inhibit.It will open on a STOP command or if a trip occurs.Output 2 controls the REVERSE contactor. Output 2 willclose anytime a valid REV(RUN2) command is received andthere is no active fault or inhibit. It will open on a STOPcommand or if a trip occurs.A C445 trip will cause Outputs 1 and 2 to open effectivelydropping out the reverser.Output 3 is a user configurable output whose function can bechanged by the user.A transition from FWD to REV or REV to FWD must first gothrough STOP unless the Control Interlocking Timeparameter is set to a value of 0. If the value of this parameteris greater than 0, the control will transition to Stop for thatdelay time before transitioning to the new direction. TheControl Interlocking Time parameter can be found in theOperation mode category in the Power Xpert inControlSoftware Tool.The C445 will issue a control fault when:● RunFwd or RunRev command is active and phase voltageis present with no phase current detected after delayexpires● Stop command active and current detected after delayexpiresNote: Even with the control fault disabled, the C445 willNOT transition to a new direction until currentreadings decrease to zero.Figure 76. Timing Diagram for the Reverse OperationModeRecommended User Interface Options for theReverser Operation ModeFigure 77. C445UM: Monitoring User InterfaceThe Monitoring User Interface can be used with anyoperation mode. If selected as a local control source, theUser Interface Start and Stop buttons are enabled inReverser Mode. The screen provides selection and indicationof Fwd/Rev. Use the soft keys to select Fwd or Rev beforepressing the Start button. When running, the highlightedselection indicates direction. Users may optionally disablelocal start or reset functionality if desired.C445UM may still be used in Reverser if the User Interface isnot the local control source. Start, Stop and Auto buttons willbe disabled. If pressed, the screen will notify the user thatthis functionality is not enabled. Control Status LEDsindicating running, stopped and Auto status will still function.Figure 78. C445UC-I3: IEC Control and StatusFigure 79. C445UC-I5: IEC Control and StatusFWDREVInterlock TimeTiming DiagramControl Fault Delay