Chapter 1—Power Xpert C445 OverviewPower Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—October 2016 1Chapter 1—Power Xpert C445 OverviewSystem OverviewThe Power Xpert™ C445 is an advanced, global motormanagement relay with full line, load and motor systemmonitoring and protection. It is designed to protect singleor three phase AC electric induction motors ranging from0.3 to 800 A. In the event of an overload trip, C445disconnects power flow to the monitored motor. C445additionally provides advanced monitoring and controlalgorithms for efficiency, torque, speed, energy deviation,and voltage loss restart.C445 offers a modular pass-through design, separatingmonitoring, protection and control functionality into individualmodules. This allows the user to select the appropriateoptions for each module and combine them to meet theexact needs of their application. The C445 also offersmultiple pre-programmed operation modes to support fast,easy and error-free installation for the majority ofapplications.How to Use this ManualThe purpose of this manual is to provide you with informationnecessary to install, set and customize parameters, start-up,troubleshoot and maintain the Eaton Power Xpert C445global motor management relay. To provide for safeinstallation and operation of the equipment, read the safetyguidelines at the beginning of this manual and follow theprocedures outlined in the following chapters beforeconnecting power to the Eaton Power Xpert C445 globalmotor management relay. Keep this operating manual handyand distribute to all users, technicians and maintenancepersonnel for reference.