Chapter 7—Monitoring and Diagnostics152 Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—October 2016 www.eaton.comTable 59. Faults and EventsParameter Name Range/Units DescriptionActive fault See Table 60 below Active faultActive warning See Table 60 below Active warningActive inhibit See Table 60 below Active inhibitFault queue—event order See Table 60 below A list of the last 10 faults shown in the order they occurred. Most recent at top.Table 60. Trip Snapshot ParametersParameter Name Range/Units DescriptionSnap shot phase A (L1) current Depends on frame size (Amps) Phase A (L1) RMS current at time of tripSnap shot phase B (L2) current Depends on frame size (Amps) Phase B (L2) RMS current at time of tripSnap shot phase C (L3) current Depends on frame size (Amps) Phase C (L3) RMS current at time of tripSnap shot ground current Depends on frame size (Amps) Ground fault current RMS at time of tripSnap shot frequency 47–63 Hz (centi-Hz) Line frequency at time of trip scaled in centi-HzSnap shot thermal capacity 0–250% Overload thermal capacity percent at time of tripSnap shot voltage AB (L1-L2) 0–690 V; max 4,160 V with PT ratios Voltage AB (L1-L2) RMS volts at time of tripSnap shot voltage BC (L2-L3) 0–690 V; max 4,160 V with PT ratios Voltage BC (L2-L3) RMS volts at time of tripSnap shot voltage CA (L3-L1) 0–690 V; max 4,160 V with PT ratios Voltage CA (L3-L1) RMS volts at time of tripSnap shot VA Depends on frame size (volt-amps) Apparent power at time of tripSnap shot watts Depends on frame size (Watts) Real power at time of tripSnap shot power factor 0–100%, scaled by 0.01% via fieldbus Power factor at time of tripTable 61. PTC Status BitsValue Description0 PTC OK—no fault1 PTC over temperature fault2 PTC shorted fault3 PTC open faultTable 62. Motor Control Status BitsValue Description Coil0 Running 1 47851 Running 2 47862 Remote enabled 47873 Faulted 47884 Warning 47895 Inhibited 47906 Ready 47917 Motor at speed 4792