Appendix C—Optional Communication CardsPower Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—October 2016 195Table 95. Discrete Output Object—Class 0x9 (9)Instance AttributesSr. No. Instance Attribute ID Access Data Type Attribute Name Attribute Description12 4 (0x4) 101 (0x65) Get/Set UINT Debounce BCM Digital i/p-4 debounce time. Applies to bothraising & Falling edge. (mSec)13 5 (0x5), 101 (0x65) Get/Set UINT Debounce BUI Digital i/p-1 debounce time. Applies to bothraising & Falling edge. (mSec)14 6 (0x6) 101 (0x65) Get/Set UINT Debounce BUI Digital i/p-2 debounce time. Applies to bothraising & Falling edge. (mSec)15 7 (0x7) 101 (0x65) Get/Set UINT Debounce BUI Digital i/p-3 debounce time. Applies to bothraising & Falling edge. (mSec)16 8 (0x8) 101 (0x65) Get/Set UINT Debounce BUI Digital i/p-4 debounce time. Applies to bothraising & Falling edge. (mSec)Class ServicesService code Service Name0x0E Get Attribute SingleInstance ServicesService code Service Name0x0E Get Attribute Single0x10 Set Attribute SingleClass AttributesSr. No. Attribute ID Access Rule Data Type Name Attribute Description1 1 (0x1) Get UINT Revision Revision of this object2 2 (0x2) Get UINT Max. Instance Maximum instance number of an object currently created inthis class level of the device.3 3 (0x3) Get UINT Number ofInstancesNumber of object instances currently created at this classlevel of the device.Instance AttributesSr. No. Instance Attribute ID Access Data Type Attribute Name Attribute Description1 1 (0x1),2 (0x2),3 (0x3),4 (0x4)3 (0x3) Set BOOL Logic output statebit fieldON/OFF Status of Digital Outputs.(BCM Field Output control)2 1 (0x1),2 (0x2),3 (0x3)5 (0x5) Set BOOL Fault Action Action taken on output’s value inCommunication Fault state3 1 (0x1),2 (0x2),3 (0x3)6 (0x6) Set BOOL Fault Value User-defined value for use with FaultAction attribute4 1 (0x1),2 (0x2),3 (0x3)7 (0x7) Set BOOL Idle Action Action taken on output’s value inCommunication Idle state5 1 (0x1),2 (0x2),3 (0x3)8 (0x8) Set BOOL Idle Value User-defined value for use with IdleAction attributeTable 94. Discrete Input Object—Class 0x8 (8), continued