Appendix C—Optional Communication Cards214 Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—October 2016 www.eaton.comInstance AttributesSr. No. Attribute ID Access Data Type Attribute Name Attribute Description23 23 (0x17) Get/Set UINT Protection Jam Trip Level Protection Jam Trip Level24 24 (0x18) Get/Set UINT Protection Jam Trip Debounce Protection Jam Trip Debounce25 25 (0x19) Get/Set UINT Protection Jam Alarm Level Protection Jam Alarm Level26 26 (0x1A) Get/Set UINT Protection Stall Trip Level Protection Stall Trip Level27 27 (0x1B) Get/Set INT Protection High KW Trip Level Protection High KW Trip Level28 28 (0x1C) Get/Set UINT Protection High KW Trip Time Debounce Protection High KW Trip Time Debounce29 29 (0x1D) Get/Set INT Protection High KW Alarm Level Protection High KW Alarm Level30 30 (0x1E) Get/Set INT Protection Low KW Trip Level Protection Low KW Trip Level31 31 (0x1F) Get/Set UINT Protection Low KW Trip Time Debounce Protection Low KW Trip Time Debounce32 32 (0x20) Get/Set INT Protection Low KW Alarm Level Protection Low KW Alarm Level33 33 (0x21) Get/Set INT Power Factor Deviation Trip Level High Power Factor Deviation Trip Level High34 34 (0x22) Get/Set INT Power Factor Deviation Trip Level Power Factor Deviation Trip Level35 35 (0x23) Get/Set INT Power Factor Deviation Debounce Power Factor Deviation Debounce36 36 (0x24) Get/Set INT Power Factor Deviation Alarm Level High Power Factor Deviation Alarm Level High37 37 (0x25) Get/Set INT Power Factor Deviation Alarm Level Low Power Factor Deviation Alarm Level Low38 38 (0x26) Get/Set UDINT Peak Demand Warning Threshold Peak Demand Warning Threshold39 39 (0x27) Get/Set UINT Demand Window Duration Demand Window Duration40 40 (0x28) Get/Set UINT Residual Ground Fault Threshold - Scaled Residual Ground Fault Threshold - Scaled41 41 (0x29) Get/Set UINT Residual Ground Fault Debounce Residual Ground Fault Debounce42 42 (0x2A) Get/Set UINT Residual Ground Fault Alarm Threshold -ScaledResidual Ground Fault Alarm Threshold - Scaled43 43 (0x2B) Get/Set UINT Residual Ground Fault Start Delay Residual Ground Fault Start Delay44 44 (0x2C) Get/Set BOOL Residual Ground Fault Apply InhibitCurrentResidual Ground Fault Apply Inhibit Current45 45 (0x2D) Get/Set UINT Residual Ground Fault Inhibit Current -PercentResidual Ground Fault Inhibit Current - Percent46 46 (0x2E) Get/Set UINT Frequency Deviation Fast Trip Level Frequency Deviation Fast Trip Level47 47 (0x2F) Get/Set UINT Frequency Deviation Fast Debounce Frequency Deviation Fast Debounce48 48 (0x30) Get/Set UINT Frequency Deviation Fast Alarm Level Frequency Deviation Fast Alarm Level49 49 (0x31) Get/Set UINT Frequency Deviation Slow Trip Level Frequency Deviation Slow Trip Level50 50 (0x32) Get/Set UINT Frequency Deviation Slow Debounce Frequency Deviation Slow Debounce51 51 (0x33) Get/Set UINT Frequency Deviation Slow Alarm Level Frequency Deviation Slow Alarm Level52 52 (0x34) Get/Set UINT Number of Starts per Hour allowed beforetripNumber of Starts per Hour allowed before trip53 53 (0x35) Get/Set UINT Backspin reset inhibit time Backspin reset inhibit time54 54 (0x36) Get/Set USINT Motor Start Threshold Percentage Motor Start Threshold Percentage55 55 (0x37) Get/Set USINT Motor Stop Threshold Percentage Motor Stop Threshold Percentage56 56 (0x38) Get/Set USINT Motor Transition Threshold Percentage Motor Transition Threshold PercentageTable 106. Motor Protection Object—Class 0xA2 (162), continued