Chapter 5—System Configuration and OperationPower Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—October 2016 73Control SettingsThe following parameters are used to configure the DirectOperation Mode and the C445 sources of control.Table 15. Direct Configuration ParametersNote1 Soft reset (power cycle) required for changes to these parameters to take effect.Fieldbus Control WordThe direct motor starter profile will accept the followingcontrol commands over a fieldbus network.Control BitsBit 0 0 = Stop command, de-activate all control outputs1 = Run1 command, activate Output 1Bit 3 0 = No action1= Reset fault (will clear fault provided conditionhas cleared)Bit 5 0 = No action1= The C445 will issue a “Test Trip” fault causingthe Output 1 control relay to openControl Status WordThe control status word of the direct motor starter profile canbe accessed over the fieldbus network.Status BitsBit 0 0 = Stopped (No active Run1 command)1= Running1 (Run1 command is present)Bit 2 0 = local control source active1= remote control source is activeBit 3 0 = no fault present1= C445 fault presentBit 4 0 = no warning present1= C445 warning presentBit 5 0 = no inhibit present1= C445 control inhibit presentBit 6 0 = C445 not ready (fault and/or inhibit present)1= C445 ready for control (No fault or inhibit present)Bit 7 0 = motor is not up to speed (AtRef)1= C445 has detected motor is up to speed (AtRef)Motor status is determined by current readings obtainedfrom the measurement module. The overload profile willsignal the motor is running anytime current readings exceed5% the active overload FLA rating.Two conditions will then set the AtRef bit, signaling themotor is up to speed.● If motor current first exceeds 115% of the active overloadFLA rating and then decreases back below 115% of theactive overload FLA rating, it is determined the motor hascome up to speed and the AtRef bit will be set.● If motor current exceeds 30% of the active overload FLArating and remains until after the start delay time expiresthe motor is determined to be up to speed and the AtRefbit will be set.Configuration Parameter Modbus Register Description Read/WriteActive Operation Mode 1 700 This parameter selects the Operation Mode R/WControl Fault Delay 701 Delay time before a control fault is issued. A setting of “0” disables this protection. R/WMotor#1 Overload FLA Scaled 900 This parameter is used to set the motor nameplate full load amps for the overload R/WMotor Overload Trip FLA 500 This parameter contains the active overload FLA RTrip Enable Bit Field 1000-1001 Trip (Fault) protection enable bitsSet bits to enable desired motor protectionsR/WWarn Enable Bit Field 1002-1003 Warning protection enable bitsSet bits to enable desired motor protections warningsR/WC445 Local Source Selector 1 711 Select the Local Control source. R/WC445 Remote Source Selector 712 Select the Remote Control source. R/WC445 Q2 Output function select 1 716 Output 2 user function selection R/WC445 Q3 Output function select 1 717 Output 3 user function selection R/W