Chapter 6—Motor ProtectionPower Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—October 2016 133Voltage Loss ShortThe Voltage Loss Short setting is a command toautomatically reclose a contactor to restart a motor in theevent of an undervoltage condition that has exceeded theVL Auto Time duration, if enabled. A user configurable timedelay is available to prevent out of sync starting of motors.Time delays for multiple motors monitored by multiple C445units can be staggered to avoid brownouts from all motorsrestarting together based on a common undervoltagecondition.OperationMains voltage dips below the Voltage Loss Level setting forlonger than Auto time. The contactor remains open, andC445's relay output opens when Auto time expires. If voltagereturns to the Voltage Return Level within the Short Timesetting, C445 will close its relay output to restart the motorafter a specified delay.Note: C445 must maintain control power to execute shorttime behavior. If the relay powers down, the C445 willnot execute restart logic. See beginning of section formore information.Example #3Main voltage returns above Voltage Return Level setting intime delay has expired, the contactor is pulled back in andmotor is restarted.Note: A run signal must be present for restart to occur. Ifthere is a run permissive in the circuit, it must alsoremain active.Figure 157. Example #3: Short-Time—Mains Voltage Returns Before Short Time Expires