Appendix D—Modbus Register Map294 Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—October 2016 www.eaton.com5000 Admin Password UINT32 RWDefault: 0x00000000Config CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemSet administrator password (0x00000000 means no password)5002 Admin Login UINT32 RW Log in with administrator password5004 USB Password UINT32 RWDefault: 0x00000000Config CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemSet USB port password (0x00000000 means no password)5006 USB Login UINT32 RW Log in with USB Port administrator password5008 Run Lock Override BOOL RW NVDefault: 0Config CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemWhen the motor is either running or is being commanded to run, certainprotection and control parameters are locked. To disable this lock andallow parameters to be adjusted during motor run time, check this box. Torestrict access during run time, uncheck this box. It is not recommendedto change configuration parameters while running.6000 Modbus Address UINT8 RW NVDefault: 1Range: 1 to 247Config CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemModbus Address for the Base Control Module's RS-485 port. The addressis loaded at startup. A power cycle is required for change in address totake effect.6001 Modbus Baud Rate UINT8 RW NVDefault: 0EnumConfig CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemSelects the Modbus Baud Rate for the Base Control Module's RS-485Modbus port. A power cycle is required for change in baud rate to takeeffect. 0 = 19200 baud, 1 = 9600 baud, 2 = 38400 baud, 3 = 57600 baud, 4 =115200 baud.6002 Modbus Parity and StopBitsUINT8 RW NVDefault: 0EnumConfig CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemSelects the Modbus Parity and Stop Bits for the Base Control Module'sModbus port. A power cycle is required for change to take effect. Note:No Parity, 1 stop bit is not valid when in MODBUS_ASCII_TX_MODEmode. 0 = Even Parity - 1 stop bit, 1 = Odd Parity - 1 stop bit, 2 = No Parity -2 stop bits, 3 = Even Parity - 2 stop bits, 4 = Odd Parity - 2 stop bits, 5 = NoParity - 1 stop bit.Table 127. C445 Modbus Register Map, continuedRegister Name Attribute DescriptionValue Description0 192001 96002 384003 576004 115200Value Description0 Even parity - 1 Stop bit1 Odd parity - 1 Stop bit2 No parity - 2 Stop bits3 Even parity - 2 Stop bits4 Odd parity - 2 Stop bits5 No parity - 1 Stop bits