Appendix D—Modbus Register Map280 Power Xpert C445 Global Motor Management Relay MN042003EN—October 2016 www.eaton.com1039 Voltage Loss Restart LongDelayUINT16 RW NVDefault: 10Range: 1 to 3600Units: secondsConfig CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemVoltage Loss Restart Long Delay. If voltage returns to the user specifiedlevel within the long time period C445 will send a command to re-start themotor after the Long Time Delay.1040 Voltage Loss Restart LongTimeUINT16 RW NVDefault: 4Range: 0 to 3600Units: secondsConfig CRCRun LockAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemVoltage Loss Restart Long Time Interval. If voltage returns to the userspecified level within the long time period C445 will send a command tore-start the motor after the Long Time Delay.1043 Voltage Unbalance TripLevelUINT8 RW NVDefault: 6Range: 1 to 20Units: %Config CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemVoltage Unbalance Trip Level protection monitors the three phasevoltages and will trip the motor if the measured unbalance percentexceeds this threshold, following the Voltage Unbalance Trip Delay time.1044 Voltage Unbalance AlarmLevelUINT8 RW NVDefault: 6Range: 1 to 20Units: %Config CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemVoltage Unbalance Alarm Level when exceeded and following the AlarmDelay Time in the Protections/General category, will generate a warning.1045 Voltage Unbalance TripDelayUINT16 RW NVDefault: 20Range: 1 to 60Units: secondsConfig CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemVoltage Unbalance Trip Delay is the time delay following the trip levelbeing exceeded until a trip occurs.1046 High Power Trip Level SINT16 RW NVDefault: 110Range: -200 to 200Units: %Config CRCAdmin LockUSB LockBackup MemHigh Power Trip Level will trip the motor if the calculated KW Levelexceeds this threshold, following the High Power Trip Delay time.Table 127. C445 Modbus Register Map, continuedRegister Name Attribute Description