Chapter 6 HPSS ConfigurationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 251Release 4.5, Revision 2• Delete: 10,000 physical volumes per SSM delete request6.1.3 Using SSM for HPSS ConfigurationThe HPSS server and resource configuration data may be created, viewed, updated, or deletedusing the SSM windows. The configuration data are kept in Encina SFS files.When you submit a request to configure a new server, SSM displays all fields with the appropriatedefault data. If the default values were not used during the installation and the infrastructureconfiguration phases or are not desired, type over the displayed data with the desired values. Pressthe Enter key after entering the data so that the new value is read by SSM.As each server general configuration entry is created, SSM keeps track of the configured server toaid the user in defining the remainder of the HPSS configuration and to allow the user to monitorand manage the servers during the HPSS operational phase.This guide presents and describes the configuration data displayed in the SSM configurationwindows in the form of tables. Each table lists the SSM window display field names and, for eachfield, gives a description of the variable, acceptable values for the variable, and the default value ofthe variable if one exists.Many of the fields in the tables have an advice box that provides additional information about thefield. Using the Help WindowAll of the SSM windows provide a pop-up help window that contains detailed information aboutthe fields on the window. To display the help window, move the cursor to any blank space on thewindow, hold down the Shift key, and click the right-most mouse button. Using the HPSS Configuration WindowsAll HPSS configuration data can be created, viewed, updated, and deleted using the appropriateHPSS Configuration windows. You obtain these windows from the HPSS Health and Statuswindow that appears when you log on to the system (as discussed in Section 6.2.2). When the HPSSHealth and Status window (shown in Figure 6-1) appears, click on the Admin menu, select theConfigure HPSS option and click on the appropriate configuration option. The desiredconfiguration window will be displayed. Refer to the appropriate sections in this chapter for moreinformation on how to use the HPSS configuration windows to configure an HPSS system.