Chapter 6 HPSS ConfigurationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 327Release 4.5, Revision 2Storage Class StatisticsIntervalAn interval in seconds thatindicates how often theBFS needs to contact eachSS to get up-to-datestatistics on each storageclass that the SS manages.This information is used inload balancing acrossmultiple storage classes.Any positive 32-bit integer value. 180Advice: For systems with mostly disk or small files, the number should be set to ashort interval (between 30 and 60 seconds). For systems with mostly large or tapefiles, this value should be set higher (e.g., 1 to 5 minutes).Class of Service ChangeRetry LimitMax number of times aCOS change ‘retryforever’ is processed on abitfile before the request tochange the COS of thebitfile is rejected.0 - (2 (32) -1) 0Note: A SIGUSR1 signal can be sent to the Bitfile Server to toggle emptying theCOS change file and thus rejecting all COS changes. When BFS is initialized, it isset up to honor all COS change requests. If you send a SIGUSR1 signal to BFS, itwill then delete all COS change file requests that are placed in the COS change file,until a second SIGUSR1 signal is sent which will reinstate the default behavior ofhonoring COS change requests. When the signal is sent, a message will appear inthe Alarms and Events window which will indicate the new status. This featureshould be used very carefully!The default value of 0 tells the BFS to retry indefinitely.Table 6-16 Bitfile Server Configuration Variables (Continued)Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values DefaultValue