Chapter 6 HPSS ConfigurationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 269Release 4.5, Revision 2Execute Hostname The hostname on which aparticular server is to run.SSM uses this field tolocate the Startup Daemonthat will execute theserver.Any legal hostname, suchas a name that might beobtained using the UNIXhostname command.Local hostname.Advice: In order for a server to start, a Startup Daemon must be running. Theserver will be started on the host which has a startup daemon running whoseconfiguration has a Execute Hostname field which matches exactly the onespecified in the server's basic configuration record. For Movers which will executein non-DCE mode, this field should contain the hostname corresponding to thenode on which the Mover DCE/Encina processes will run. More correctly, thereMUST be a startup daemon running on the node where the Mover DCE/Encinaprocesses are running which specifies the same exact Execute Hostname as isspecified in the non-DCE Mover's basic configuration.Note: The SSM does not check if the server or the Startup Daemon is actuallyrunning on the specified host. It simply compares the Execute Hostname of theserver with the Execute Hostname of each startup daemon until it finds a match.UNIX Username The UNIX user name thatthe server runs under. Ifservers are running onseveral hosts, the namemust be the name that isused on the host that theserver will run on. Thename must be registered inthe local UNIXauthentication database(e.g., /etc/passwd).Any legal user name forthe host that the serverruns on.root for the StartupDaemon, NFSDaemon, NFS MountDaemon, DMAPGateway.hpss for all otherservers (see Advicebelow).Advice: If there is no such user, the Startup Daemon will not be able to start theservers. The Startup Daemon, NFS Daemon, NFS Mount Daemon, DMAPGateway, and Non-DCE Gateway should have their UNIX Usernames set toroot, so do not modify the default for these servers.Table 6-3 Basic Server Configuration Variables (Continued)Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values DefaultValue