Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration354 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2# the start of the client path matches any of the paths in this list# then the transfer will proceed, otherwise the Mover will not transfer# the file.## The format of this file is simply a list of paths, one per line./gpfs/local/globalfilesystemIn the above sample configuration, any file under the path, /gpfs or the path /local/globalfilesystem can be transferred using the special data protocol subject to the caveatsspecified above.Extreme care should be taken when using this feature. The Mover will move data from any file inits list. If the Unix file system is not global to all Mover nodes, the request will fail.The following commands have been added to the HPSS Parallel FTP Clients to take advantage ofthese new features: lfget, lfput, mlfget, mlfput, lfappend. See the HPSS User’s Guide for moredetails. The hpss_ReadList and hpss_WriteList Client APIs can also be used to utilize the local filetransfer capability. See the HPSS Programmer’s Reference, Volume 1 for more details.6.8.9 Configure the Name Server Specific InformationThe NS specific configuration entry can be created using the Name Server Configuration window.After the configuration entry is created, it can be viewed, updated, or deleted through the samewindow.From the HPSS Health and Status window (shown in Figure 6-1), click on the Admin menu, selectthe Configure HPSS option and click on the Servers option. The HPSS Servers window will bedisplayed as shown in Figure 6-5.To add a new specific configuration, select the Name Server entry and click on the Type-specific...button from the Configuration button group on the HPSS Servers window. The Name ServerConfiguration window will be displayed as shown in Figure 6-28 with default values. If the defaultdata is not desired, change the fields with the desired values. Click on the Add button to create theconfiguration entry.To update an existing configuration, select the Name Server entry on the HPSS Servers window andclick on the Type-specific... button from the Configuration button group. The Name ServerConfiguration window will be displayed with the configured data. After modifying theconfiguration, click on the Update button to write the changes to the appropriate SFS file.To delete an existing configuration, select the Name Server entry on the HPSS Servers window andclick on the Type-specific... button from the Configuration button group. The Name ServerConfiguration window will be displayed with the configured data. Click on the Delete button todelete the specific configuration entry.Refer to the window’s help file for more information on the individual fields and buttons as well asthe supported operations available from the window.