Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface ConfigurationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 457Release 4.5, Revision 2Gateway specifies the fully qualified name of the host where the DMAP Gateway that will managethis fileset runs. To keep the example above short, Gateway is shown as tardis, but in practice, thename should be tardis.ca.sandia.gov. If the fileset is partially configured, the host name isrepresented by a ‘?’. That prevents end users from accessing the DFS fileset. To complete theconfiguration, an administrator will use SSM to create the HPSS fileset.Port specifies the TCP port that the DMAP Gateway uses to listen for requests from HDM.Conventionally, this is 7001. Do not confuse this port number with the port number used by HDMto listen for requests from the DMAP Gateway (6002). Until the fileset is fully configured, Port willbe shown as zero.When multiple HDM Servers and DMAP Gateways are running, they must use different TCPports.Following is a description of the parameters for an XFS filesystem:Name specifies the name of the filesystem. This is user-defined and should be descriptive.Media specifies the device for the aggregate in the form of (,). Todetermine the media descriptor for your filesystem, you will need to follow these steps:1. Find the and numbers for the disk partition containing your filesystemby looking at a long listing of the /dev directory. For example, if your filesystem is on parti-tion /dev/hdb7, do the following:% ls -l /dev/hdb7brw-rw---- 1 root disk 3, 71 Mar 23 2001 /dev/hdb7The listing shows that the major number is 3 and the minor number is 71.2. Next, determine the that your partition is managed through. Use the majornumber to lookup the appropriate block device in the /proc/devices file. Here is anexample:% cat /proc/devicesCharacter devices:1 mem2 pty3 ttyp4 ttyS5 cua7 vcs10 misc14 sound21 sg128 ptm136 pts162 raw180 usb226 drm PreviousNext |