Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration386 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2Command Device(3494/3495 Only)The name of the devicethat the PVR can use tosend commands to the3494/3495 robot. Theenvironment variableHPSS_3494_COMMAND_DEVICE will overridethe value entered in thisfield.Any device; generally /dev/lmcpXfor AIX systems; symbolic libraryname defined in /etc/ibmatl.conffor Solaris systems/dev/lmcp0Async Device(3494/3495 Only)The name of the devicethat the PVR can use toreceive replies from the3494/3495 robot. Theenvironment variableHPSS_3494_ASYNC_DEVICE will overridethe value entered in thisfield.Any device; generally /dev/lmcpXfor AIX systems; symbolic libraryname defined in /etc/ibmatl.conffor Solaris systems/dev/lmcp0Advice: For Block Multiplexer Channel (BMUX)-attached IBM robots, the AsyncDevice must be different from the Command Device. For TTY and LAN-attachedrobots, the devices can be the same.Client Name The name of the clientrequesting authorizationfrom the DistributedAutomated Media LibraryServer.Any alphanumeric string of length<= 64noneAdditional Info: DAS software, which executes on the OS/2 controller PC, allowsdifferent clients to control the AML robotics system. DAS uses the client name todetermine the access permission of the requesting client to the AML’s storagepositions, drives, and Insert/Eject units. Access configurations for clients are set inthe configuration file C:\DAS\ETC\CONFIG on the OS/2 PC. The client name canbe up to 64 alphanumeric characters in length and is case sensitive.Server Name TCP/IP host name or IPaddress of the AML OS/2-PC DAS server.Any alphanumeric string of length<= 64noneAdditional Info: This value must be defined in the network domain server and mustbe resolvable during DAS start. The server name is set in the configuration fileC:\CONFIG.SYS on the OS/2 PC. The server name can be up to 64 alphanumericcharacters long and can include up to six dots (‘.’).Table 6-31 Physical Volume Repository Configuration Variables (Continued)Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values DefaultValue