Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration320 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2Class Name The descriptive name ofthe COS.A character string up to 31 bytes inlength.[Only modifiable at create time]NoneAdvice: Select a name that describes the COS in some functional way. A goodexample would be High Speed Disk Over Tape.Storage Hierarchy The name of the storagehierarchy associated withthis COS.Any configured hierarchy name. Same as lastconfiguredCOS.Stage Code A code that indicates thefile staging options.On Open,On Open Async,No StageOn Open BackgroundSame as lastconfiguredCOS.Advice: Refer to Section for more information on selecting the appropriatestage code.Minimum File Size The size, in bytes, of thesmallest bitfiles supportedby this COS.Any positive 64-bit integer value. Same as lastconfiguredCOS.Maximum File Size The size, in bytes, of thelargest bitfile supported bythis COS.Any positive 64-bit integer value Same as lastconfiguredCOS.Enforce Maximum File Size A flag that indicates that abitfile larger than theMaximum File Size cannotbe created in this COS.ON,OFFSame as lastconfiguredCOS.Force Selection A flag to determine how aCOS will be selected. IfON, a client mustexplicitly select this COSin order to have a fileassigned to it; if the clientmerely supplies generalCOS hints for a file, thisCOS will not be selectedON,OFFSame as lastconfiguredCOS.Table 6-14 Class of Service Configuration Variables (Continued)Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values DefaultValue