Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration344 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2Report File (Unix) A prefix string used by theMPS to construct a reportfile name. The full filename will consist of thisstring with a date stringand subsystem Idappended to it. This prefixshould include a fullUNIX path and file name.If a full path is notspecified, the location ofthe migration report filesmay be unpredictable. Anew MPS report file isstarted every 24 hours. Ifthe MPS reports are notdesired, leave this fieldblank.Blank-or-Any valid UNIX file name which iswritable by MPS.blank - noreports will begenerated.Checkpoint File The name of the SFS filewhere the migration /purge checkpointinformation is stored.Valid Encina file name. /.:/encina/sfs/hpss/mpchkpt.#BFS API Failures For both disk and tapemigration, MPS allows aconsecutive number ofBFS API failures up to theerror limit configured inthis field. If the configurednumber of consecutivecalls fail during a diskmigration run, MPS willskip to the next hierarchy.This number ofconsecutive failures duringa tape migration run leadsMPS to abort the run.Any positive number between 1 and1000000 (one million)3SS API Failures For tape migration, MPSallows a consecutivenumber of SS API failuresup to the error limitconfigured in this field.This number ofconsecutive failures leadsMPS to abort the run. Thisfield applies to tapemigration only.Any positive number between 1 and1000000 (one million)3Table 6-22 Migration/Purge Server Configuration Variables (Continued)Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values DefaultValue