Chapter 6 HPSS ConfigurationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 351Release 4.5, Revision 2port = 5002user = rootserver = /opt/hpss/bin/hpss_mvr_tcpserver_args = /var/hpss/etc/mvr_ek}The specified port will be one greater than the port listed as the TCP Listen Port in the Mover’stype specific configuration. For example, the port value in the example corresponds to a Moverwith a TCP Listen Port value of 5001.The template will cause the executable /opt/hpss/bin/hpss_mvr_tcp to be run under the root userID when a connection is detected on port 5002. The Mover process will use the /var/hpss/etc/mvr_ek file to read the encryption key that will be used to authenticate all connections made to thisMover.After modifying the file in /etc/xinetd.d, be sure to refresh the xinetd daemon using the followingcommands:% /sbin/service xinetd --full-restartStopping xinetd: [ OK ]Starting xinetd: [ OK ] The Mover Encryption Key FilesTo authenticate access made to the non-DCE Mover processes, the encryption key configured in thisMover’s specific configuration (see section 6.8.8) is read from a file accessible from the local filesystem. This file contains an ASCII representation of the encryption key (the pathname of the file ispassed to the Mover executable as specified in either the /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/xinetd.d file). Forexample, if the encryption key in the Mover’s type specific configuration is 1234567890ABCDEF,then the encryption key file (/var/hpss/etc/ek.mvr1) should contain:0x12345678 0x90ABCDEF6.8.8.3 System Configuration Parameters for IRIX, Solaris, and LinuxIRIXWhen running the non-DCE Mover process on an IRIX platform, there are a number of systemconfiguration parameters which may need to be modified before the Mover can be successfully run.The values can be modified with the systune utility (and will likely require the system to berebooted before they take effect). The following table defines the parameter names and minimumrequired values.Table 6-24 IRIX System ParametersParameter Name MinimumValue Parameter Descriptionsemmsl 512 Maximum number of semaphores per set