Chapter 7 HPSS User Interface Configuration414 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2The HPSS_SERVER_NAME environment variable is used to specify the server name to be usedwhen initializing the HPSS security services. The default value is /.:/hpss/client. This variable isprimarily intended for use by HPSS servers that use the Client API.The HPSS_DESC_NAME environment variable is used to control the descriptive name used inHPSS log messages if the logging feature of the Client API is enabled. The default value is “ClientApplication”.The Client API, if compiled with debugging enabled, uses two environment variables to controlprinting debug information. HPSS_DEBUG, if set to a non-zero value, will enable debug messages.By default, these messages will go to the standard output stream. If HPSS_DEBUGPATH is set,however, these messages will be directed to the file indicated by this environment variable. Twospecial cases for the debug path exist: stdout and stderr, which will use the standard output orstandard error I/O streams, respectively.The HPSS_NUMRETRIES environment variable is used to control the number of retries to attemptwhen an operation fails. Currently this class of operation includes library initialization andcommunications failures. A value of zero indicates that no retries are to be performed, and value of-1 indicates that the operation will be retried until successful. The default value is 4.The HPSS_BUSY_RETRIES environment variable is used to control the number of retries to beperformed when a request fails because the Bitfile Server does not currently have an availablethread to handle that request. A value of zero indicates that no retries are to be performed, and avalue of -1 indicates that retries should be attempted until either the request succeeds or fails foranother reason. The default value is 3.The HPSS_BUSY_DELAY environment variable is used to control the number of seconds to delaybetween retry attempts. Note that this value is used both for retrying initialization operations (seeHPSS_NUMRETRIES) and Bitfile Server requests (See HPSS_BUSY_RETRIES). The defaultvalue is 15.The HPSS_RETRY_STAGE_INP environment variables is used to control whether retries areattempted on attempts to open files in a Class of Service that is configured for background stagingon open. A non-zero value indicates that opens which would return -EINPROGRESS to indicatethat the file is being staged will be retried (using the same control mechanisms described in theprevious paragraph), while a value of zero indicates that the -EINPROGRESS return code will bereturned to the client. The default value is non-zero.The HPSS_REUSE_CONNECTIONS environment variable is used to control whether TCP/IPconnections are to be left open as long as a file is open or are to be closed after each read or writerequest. A non-zero value will cause connections to remain open, while a value of zero will causeconnections to be close. The default value is zero.The HPSS_USE_PORT_RANGE environment variable is used to control whether the HPSSMover(s) should use the configured port range when making TCP/IP connections for read andwrite requests. A non-zero value will cause the Mover(s) to use the port range, while a value of zerowill cause the Mover(s) to allow the operating system to select the port number. The default valueis zero.The HPSS_TOTAL_DELAY environment variable is used to control the number of seconds tocontinue retrying requests. A value of zero indicates that no there is no time limit. The default valueis zero.