Chapter 3 System Preparation168 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2Default = {; Client Host Namewater = {}}} Multinode Table StanzaThe HPSS PFTP Client normally forks children to provide multiple network paths between thePFTP Client and the Mover(s). In some instances, it may be preferable to have these processes(pseudo children) running on independent nodes. In this case, it is necessary to setup amultinoded daemon on the independent node/host and have the PFTP client initiate the datatransfer process(es) with these child processes. The Multinode Table stanza is used to specify whatremote hosts are to perform the “pseudo” PFTP Client child processes functions.The Multinode Table = { … } stanza contains one or more substanzas specifying the names of thehost initiating the PFTP session.Each section contains one or more names/IP addresses of remote hosts executing a MultimodeDaemon (multinoded). The remote host must have appropriate entries for the inetd superdaemon(/etc/inetd.conf and /etc/services) to initiate the multinoded.The sections may be either a simple section or a valued section. A simple substanza is a singlename/Dot Notation IP Address to be used for both “Control” connection and “Data” connection.The valued substanza is used to specify the name/Dot Notation IP Address for the “Control”connection (specifier) and the name/Dot Notation IP Address for the “Data” connection (value.)Table 3-4 Multinode Table Stanza FieldsConfiguration Type DescriptionStanza (Compound) Multinode Table = {Reserved Stanza specifier.Must be terminated with a matching “}”SubStanza(Compound)E.g. my_host = {Contains the local hostname(s) this SubStanza represents.MUST be terminated with a matching “}”Section or = E.g. his_name or his_name = the hostname in either string format or Dot Notation IPAddress of the host to act as a “Pseudo” PFTP Child. If asecondary name is specified after the “=”, the first interface is tobe used for the “control” connection and the secondspecification is the interface to be used for the “data”connection(s) to the Mover(s). If only one value is provided, itrepresents both the “control” and “data” connections.