Appendix F Additional SSM InformationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 529Release 4.5, Revision 2when it starts, and hpss.def is used to override the settings in s2_defaults.def. Some of theuser-preference features which can be set in a defaults file are:1. Whether or not popup items on windows cause a beep tone.2. The volume of the beep which is issued when the user tries to type beyond the end of afield.3. The text entry foreground and background colors.4. The blink rate for blinking fields.Again, consult the comments for more information. For a complete list of default options,consult s2_defaults.def, or see the documentation on the set-default command in Chapter 4 ofthe Sammi Version 4.0 Runtime Reference.The HPSS administrator may, if desired, modify hpss.def to change the site defaults.Alternatively, new defaults files may be created for individual users or groups of users. Thiswould also involve the user authorization file and login command files (see below). The namesof new defaults files must end in “.def”, and must reside in /opt/hpss/sammi/hpss_ssmdirectory.Any changes to defaults beyond the most innocuous user-preference items should be donewith great care.• Each user that logs into SSM has a Sammi command file executed automatically. Thecommand file for each user is specified in /opt/hpss/sammi/hpss_ssm/user_authorization.dat, as the fifth field in each user entry. The default is hpss.cmds,which is in the /bin directory. All command files areexpected to be in that directory, but they can be placed elsewhere by specifying the full pathname of the file in user_authorization.dat.The default command file loads the SSM “defaults” file (described above). If desired, the HPSSadministrator can modify hpss.cmds, or create new command files for individual users orgroups of users. A new command file might be created, for example, to load an alternatedefaults file for a special group of users. Or a “redefine-keys” command might be added toload an alternate keyboard definition file for a particular user (see below).If a new command file is created, user_authorization.dat will need to be edited to assign thefile to selected SSM users.Sammi command files must contain nothing but valid Sammi commands, as documented inthe Sammi Version 4.0 Runtime Reference.• The file SAMMI contains X defaults data important to the correct execution of Sammi. SSMusers need a copy of this file in their home directories on all hosts where they will runSammi (which may not be the same as the hosts where they display the windows).Normally, the hpssuser utility copies a SAMMI file to the home directory of each new SSMuser which it creates, but that applies only to the host where hpssuser is executed. Thetemplate copy of SAMMI is in /opt/hpss/config/templates/SAMMI.template.The SAMMI file is customizable to some extent, and each SSM user is free to modify his owncopy. These modifications should be kept to a minimum, however, or there may be severelyadverse effects on the appearance of the SSM windows.