Chapter 6 HPSS ConfigurationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 363Release 4.5, Revision 2Grace Interval An interval, in seconds, toindicate how long after acredential’s last use beforeit will be expired.Any positive 32-bit integer value. 3600 secondsDump Interval An interval, in seconds, todetermine how often thecredentials map cache ischeckpointed to a UNIXfile.Any positive 32-bit integer value. 60 secondsAdvice: This value should be based on how often entries are added/removed from themap. If this value is set too high, the user may not be able to access files after an NFScrash. If it is set too low, it may increase the system overhead. This field is used onlyif the UID option in the Export file is set.Privileged Callers(Principal Names)The list of principal namesof those callers permittedto change entries in theNFS credentials map otherthan their own.Valid DCE principal name. hpss_ssmCredentials Dump File(Unix)The name of a UNIX fileto checkpoint thecredentials map cache.Valid, fully qualified UNIX filename./var/hpss/nfs/credmap.nfsCheck UUID A flag that indicateswhether users not on theprivileged callers list mayonly make entries for theirown DCE UID.ON,OFFOFFRequire Privilege A flag that indicateswhether only the users onthe privileged callers listmay change the credentialsmap.ON,OFFOFFRead Map A flag that indicateswhether the credentialsmap will be read from afile at startup time.ON,OFFONAdvice: This flag should be set to OFF when the system is first configured and set toON when the system is restarted after a crash.Dump Credentials A flag that indicateswhether the credentialsmap will be periodicallycheckpointed to a UNIXfile.ON,OFFONTable 6-28 NFS Daemon Configuration Variables (Continued)Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values DefaultValue