Chapter 3 System PreparationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 163Release 4.5, Revision 2• Blank Lines are ignored.NOTE: HPSS and Network Tuning are highly dependent on the application environment. The valuesspecified herein are NOT expected to be applicable to any installation! PFTP Client StanzaThe Parallel FTP Client configuration options are in two distinct stanzas of the HPSS.conf file(Section PFTP Client Stanza on page 163, and Section PFTP Client Interfaces Stanza onpage 165).Table 3-2 PFTP Client Stanza FieldsConfiguration Type Abbreviated DescriptionStanza (Compound) PFTP Client = {Reserved Stanza specifier.Must be terminated with a matching “}”SubStanza Default COS = E.g. Default COS = 99Optional SubStanza specifying the default Class of Service if notexplicitly specified by the user. Use with caution – standardprocedure is to allow the Bitfile Server to determine the optimalCOS!SubStanza Protocol = E.g. Protocol = PDATA_ONLYOptional SubStanza specifying the default protocol. Maycontaineither of the two protocols supported, PDATA_AND_MOVERorPDATA_ONLY. The default is PDATA_AND_MOVER.SubStanza Auto Parallel Size = E.g. Auto Parallel Size = 4MBOptional SubStanza specifying the minimum file size to startusingthe “auto-parallel” features of the PFTP Client.May be specified as a decimal number or “xMB” style notation.SubStanza PortRange = E.g. PortRange = ncadg_ip_tcp[10100-12100]Optional SubStanza specifying the TCP port range to usebetweenthe PFTP Client and the Mover(s). This may be necessary whenPort Range Filters are used for Security.