Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration392 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 25.x 4Enter Remote Host Version (ACSAPI_PACKET_VERSION): 4Starting /opt/hpss/stk/bin/mini_el... Attempting startup of /opt/hpss/bin/mini_el ...Starting /opt/hpss/bin/ssi... Attempting startup of PARENT for /opt/hpss/bin/ssi... SIGHUP received Parent Process ID is: 17290 Attemptingstartup of /opt/hpss/bin/ssi... SIGHUP received Parent Process #17290EXITING NORMALLYInitialization Done.Do you want to see the processes created? (Y or N): y17288 p4 S 0:00 /opt/hpss/stk/bin/mini_el17292 p4 S 0:00 /opt/hpss/stk/bin/ssi 17290 50004 2317295 p4 S 0:00 grep /opt/hpss/stk/binDo you want to start up t_cdriver? (Y or N): n6. Vendor Information1. STK Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS) System Administrator's Guide,PN 167162. STK Automated Cartridge System Library Software Programmer's Guide, PN 167186.8.13.5 ADIC Automatic Media Library Storage Systems Information6. Vendor Software RequirementsHPSS is designed to work with ADIC Distributed Automated Media Library Server (DAS) softwareversion 1.3 and the ABBA Management Unit (AMU) version 2.4.0. DAS is the ADIC software whichconsists of the Automated Media Library (AML) Client Interface (ACI) and the DAS servercomponents. The AMU is the host computer software by which the ADIC Storage System managesthe archive database, which is based on a DB/2 compatible database for an OS/2 system.The AMU must run on a OS/2 PC host computer connected to the AML robot while the HPSS AMLPVR can run on any RS/6000 workstation that has a TCP/IP connection to the OS/2 host computer.The workstation running the HPSS AML PVR must also contain the DAS/ACI software that iscalled by the HPSS AML PVR.Refer to ADIC DAS Installation and Administration Guide and Reference Guide AMU for additionalinformation. Configuration RequirementsHPSS can share an AML robot with other tape management systems. If a robot is shared, care mustbe taken to make sure that a drive is not used by any other tape management system while thatdrive is configured as unlocked in HPSS. This is important because HPSS can be configured toperiodically poll all of its unlocked drives even if they are not currently mounted or in use by HPSS.If a drive is being used by another tape management system, it must be configured as locked inHPSS. For robots that have more than one arm (such as the AML/2), users should configure thePVL Drive Information/Controller ID of each drive depending which arm is servicing it.