Chapter 6 HPSS ConfigurationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 289Release 4.5, Revision 26.6.3 Configure the Accounting PolicyThe accounting policy defines how each HPSS user account will be charged for using HPSSresources. Refer to Section 2.8.3 for more information on setting and using the Accounting Policy.An accounting policy can be created using the Accounting Policy window. After the configurationentry is created, it can be viewed, updated, or deleted through the same window.From the HPSS Health and Status window (shown in Figure 6-1), click on the Admin menu, selectthe Configure HPSS option and click on the Accounting Policy option.The Accounting Policy window will be displayed as shown in Figure 6-9. Since only oneAccounting Policy can be configured, the fields are displayed with default values for a new policyif one does not exist. Otherwise the fields will be displayed with data from the configured policy.To add a new policy, change the default fields with the desired values and click on the Add buttonto create the configuration entry.To update an existing policy, modify the policy data and click on the Update button to write thechanges to the SFS file.To delete the existing policy, click on the Delete button to delete the policy.Refer to the window’s help file for more information on the individual fields and buttons as well asthe supported operations available from the window.Purge Locks expire after Maximum number ofminutes that a file mayhold a purge lock. Purgelocked files are not eligiblefor purging.Any integer value between 0 and1000000 (one million). A value of 0indicates that purge locks expireimmediately.0Storage Subsystem The descriptive name ofthe storage subsystem towhich a subsystem-specific policy applies.This field is filled in withthe selected storagesubsystem name at thetime a subsystem specificpolicy is created and maynot be changedafterwards.The descriptive name of anyexisting storage subsystem.NoneTable 6-5 Purge Policy Configuration Variables (Continued)Display Field Name Description Acceptable Values DefaultValue