Chapter 6 HPSS ConfigurationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 391Release 4.5, Revision 2the Server System Interface (ssi) and the Toolkit event logger. These binaries and associated scriptfiles are distributed with the HPSS, but are maintained by the STK Corporation.The binaries and script files for starting the STK client side processes are located in the$HPSS_PATH/stk/bin directory. Documentation files describing the files in the bin directory arelocated in the $HPSS_PATH/stk/doc directory. Refer to these doc files for additional information.The file must be executed to start the STK client processes on those nodes where theHPSS PVR is executing. The script will prompt for the following options:1. Multi-Host or Single-Host - specify m for multiple host.2. Server side or Client side - Specify c for client side.3. Remote Host Name - specify the name of the host where the ACSLS software is running.4. Remote Host Version - specify one of the following (probably 4).ACSLS Release Number Remote Host Version Number5.x 45. Whether processes created should be listed (Y or N) - specify either y or n.6. Whether t_cdriver should be started - specify n.To terminate the STK client processes, the script may be executed.Sample output from follows:***** Welcome to, Version 2.01 *****This is the automated tester and startit script for the TOOLKIT. Simplyanswer the questions which follow.Executables live in: /opt/hpss/stk/binWould you like Multi-Host or Single-Host testing?Enter one of the following followed by ENTER:M Multi-host testingS Single-host testingX eXit this scriptEnter choice: mWould you like to define the server side or client side for Multi-Hosttesting?Enter one of the following followed by ENTER:S Server sideC Client sideEnter choice: cThe Remote Host Name is the name of the server which has the ACSLSsoftware (or simulator) running on it.Enter Remote Host Name (CSI_HOSTNAME): jeepThe Remote Host Version number is the ACSLS Packet Version level whichthe server is expecting.Here are the valid choices:ACSLS Release Number Remote Host Version Number