Chapter 6 HPSS ConfigurationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 253Release 4.5, Revision 2script, start_ssm, is provided to bring up the SSM System Manager and the SSM Data Server.Another provided script, start_ssm_session, can be used to bring up an SSM user session.6.2.1 SSM Server Configuration and StartupThe SSM System Manager will automatically create an SSM configuration entry, if one does notalready exist, using the environment variables defined in the /opt/hpss/config/hpss_env file. Thisconfiguration entry may later be modified, if necessary, by the administrator. The SSM Data Serveralso uses the environment variables defined in the /opt/hpss/config/hpss_env file, but does notrequire a configuration entry. Refer to Section 5.3: Define the HPSS Environment Variables on page 216for more information on the SSM variables.The SSM server startup script, start_ssm, as supplied with HPSS can be used to invoke the SSMSystem Manager and the SSM Data Server. Both servers require a number of environment variablesto be used as their command line arguments and to be used to configure and manage the HPSSservers. These variables are defined in the /opt/hpss/config/hpss_env file. They should have beenedited to reflect the site’s configuration during the HPSS infrastructure configuration phase.To start up the SSM servers, invoke the start_ssm script. The System Manager will be brought upfirst, followed by the Data Server. The start_ssm script can also be invoked with the -s (start theSystem Manager only) option or the -d (start the Data Server only) option. Once the SSM serversare up and running, one or more SSM sessions can be started to manage HPSS.Before starting up the SSM servers, ensure that DCE, Encina, and Sun RPC servers are up andrunning.The start_ssm script will not start an SSM server if that server is already running on the same node.Ensure that only one copy of each configured SSM System Manager and Data Server is running atany one time. If there are multiple SSM servers running with the same configuration orenvironment data, there may be data loss for the SSM windows. Typically, there will be only oneSystem Manager and one Data Server configured and both are run on the same node. If this setupis not desired, refer to Section F.6: Non-standard SSM Configurations on page 532 for moreinformation on other possible configurations.6.2.2 SSM User Session Configuration and StartupAn SSM administrator User ID should have been already created as part of the HPSS infrastructureconfiguration phase. If the User ID does not exist, refer to Section 8.1.1: Adding HPSS Users on page215 of the HPSS Management Guide for instructions on adding users and creating an SSM accountbefore proceeding with this section.SSM supports the following SSM security levels:1. admin. This security level is normally assigned to an HPSS administrator. This SSM usercan view all SSM windows and perform all control functions provided by SSM.2. operator. This security level is normally assigned to an HPSS operator. This SSM user canview all SSM windows and perform all SSM control functions except for changing theHPSS configuration.