Chapter 6 HPSS ConfigurationHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 403Release 4.5, Revision 2Figure 6-42 HPSS Devices and Drives WindowTo configure a new device and drive, click on the Add New... button on the HPSS Devices andDrives window. The Mover Device and PVL Drive Configuration window will be displayed asshown in Figure 6-44 with default values for a new tape device/drive. If a disk device/drive isdesired, click the Disk button to display the default disk data (as shown in Figure 6-43) beforemodifying any other fields. If the default data is not desired, change the field with the desired value.Click on the Add button to create the configuration entry.To update an existing device and drive, select the desired device and drive entry on the HPSSDevices and Drives window and click on the Configure... button. The Mover Device and PVL DriveConfiguration window will be displayed with the configured data. After modifying theconfiguration, click on the Update button to write the changes to the appropriate SFS file.To delete an existing device and drive, select the desired device and drive on the HPSS Devices andDrives window and click on the Configure... button. The Mover Device and PVL DriveConfiguration window will be displayed with the configured data. Click on the Delete button todelete the configuration entry.Refer to the window’s help file for more information on the individual fields and buttons as well asthe supported operations available from the window.