Chapter 6 HPSS Configuration402 September 2002 HPSS Installation GuideRelease 4.5, Revision 2All locally attached magnetic disk devices (e.g., SCSI, SSA) should be configured using thepathname of the raw device (i.e., character special file).The configuration of the storage devices (and subsequently the Movers that control them) can havea large impact on the performance of the system because of constraints imposed by a number offactors (e.g., device channel bandwidth, network bandwidth, processor power).Before proceeding with device and drive configuration associated with StorageTek, or IBMrobotics, refer to , Section LTO PVR Information on page 387, Section IBM3494/3495 PVR Information on page 388, Section StorageTek PVR and RAIT PVRInformation on page 389, or Section ADIC Automatic Media Library Storage SystemsInformation on page 392 as appropriate. These sections provide additional vendor-specific advice on robot anddrive configuration.A Device and Drive configuration entry can be created, updated and deleted only if the PVL andthe associated Mover are not running.The Device and Drive configuration entry can be created using the Mover Device and PVL DriveConfiguration window. After the configuration entry is created, it can be viewed, updated, ordeleted through the same window.Before configuring a new device, you must shutdown the PVL and the Mover that will manage thedevice. If this will be a tape device, you must also shutdown the PVR that will manage the drive(see Section 1.8: Shutting Down an HPSS Server on page 32 of the HPSS Management Guide for detailson shutting down HPSS servers).From the HPSS Health and Status window (shown in Figure 6-1), click on the Admin menu, selectthe Configure HPSS option and click on the Devices and Drives option. The HPSS Devices andDrives window will be displayed as shown in Figure 6-42.