Chapter 2 HPSS PlanningHPSS Installation Guide September 2002 49Release 4.5, Revision 2The HPSS Server Sammi License and, optionally, the HPSS Client Sammi License available from theKinesix Corporation are required. The Sammi software must be installed separately prior to theHPSS installation. In addition, the Sammi license(s) for the above components must be obtainedfrom Kinesix and set up as described in Section 4.5.3: Set Up Sammi License Key (page 213) beforerunning Sammi.In addition to the purchase of the Sammi licenses, the following system resources are required tosupport Sammi:1. Operating System and System Software Requirements:u AIX 5.1 or Solaris 5.8u TCP/IP and Sun NFS/RPCu X Window System (X11 Release 5) and Motif2. System Space Requirements:u 32 MB of memoryu 40 MB of swap space3. Hardware Requirements:u A graphic adapter with at least 256 colorsu A monitor with a minimal resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixelsu A mouse (two or three buttons)Specific Sammi product versions relative to specific versions of operating systems can be found inSections through Miscellaneous• Sites needing to compile the HPSS FTP source code must have the yacc compiler.• Sites needing to compile the HPSS NFS Daemon source code must have the NFS clientsoftware.• Sites needing to compile the HPSS Generic Security Service (GSS) security code must havethe X.500 component of DCE.• Sites needing to compile the HDM code, build the cs/xdr/dmapi libraries, or run the SFSBackup scripts must have the perl compiler installed (perl or later).• Sites needing to compile the MPI-IO source code must have a compatible host MPIinstalled, as described in Section 7.5: MPI-IO API Configuration on page 434. Sites needingto compile the Fortran interfaces for MPI-IO must have a Fortran77 standard compiler thataccepts C preprocessor directives. Sites needing to compile the C++ interfaces for MPI-IOmust have a C++ standard compiler that accepts namespace. Note that the Fortran and