2334-13-1 Common Character SettingThis paragraph explains the common character setting which can be set in common for all files.The contents of the set characters are reflected to all files.12Description1 Common Marking Character:Setting of ten lines is possible.Setting Range 51 to 602 EDIT:Press this button for executing copy, paste, line insertion, line deletion, and edit.Input and edit methods are the same as that of the character setting screen. Input a marking character withreference to “4-8-2 Character Input” (P.148) of a character.Reference• The conditions (character size etc.) of the character set by common marking character setting are set on the characterconditions of each file. Since there are 51 to 60 common setting lines, specify a line in each file and set the characterconditions. Refer to “4-10-2 Character Conditions” (P.180).ME-LP400V-OP-6