296Troubles Causes MeasuresCharacter is partiallychipped.Obstacle hinders laser beam. Remove obstacle between head of laser markerand object.Laser emission port is not clean.Refer to Operation/Maintenance Manual andclean contaminants off the laser emission port.If contaminants persist, replace lens and/orprotection glass of laser emission port (for LP-V/LP-W series only). Contact our sales office.Marking is dotted.For LP-V series:Setting of laser pulse cycle and scanspeed are inadequate.Decrease scan speed or marking pulse interval.Marking line runs overthe intended start or endpoints.The setting in marking qualityadjustment parameter does not matchthe other marking conditions.Input the suitable adjustment value in markingquality parameters such as start point, end point,or wait value in laser setting screen.Marking disorder(Characters crushed,unreadable)The Fixing strength of the laser markerhead is insufficient.• Fix the head part tightly with the specifiedtorque value.• Improve the strength of the stand on that thehead is installed.There are continuous vibrations comingfrom surrounding equipment such asmotor and press.Perform vibration prevention measures.There are irregular vibrations comingfrom surrounding equipment such asair cylinder and forklift.Start and/or stop timing of feeder doesnot match with marking operation.(Marking is disturbed at beginning/endof marking.)• When disturbed at the beginning of marking:Marking trigger signal is likely to be enteredbefore object is fully stopped. Marking maydisturbed due to remaining vibration evenif object is in full stop. Use delay timer etc.so that marking trigger signal turns on aftervibrations are completely damped.• When disturbed at the end of marking:Object is likely to start moving beforecompletion of marking.Delay start timing of feeder or decrease scanspeed so that marking is finished before objectstarts moving.There are noises coming fromsurrounding equipment.Protect laser marker against noises as follows:• Securely ground frame ground (FG) of lasermarker or surrounding equipment.• Isolate power and signal lines from each otherif they have been routed in parallel.• Shield signal line.• Isolate power supply for laser marker fromother equipment.• Use noise cut transformer to absorb noisesfrom power supply.ME-LP400V-OP-6