501. Signal Connector: SIGNALThis is the terminal for communicating between head and controller.Connect the attached head control cable.2. Power Connector: POWERThis is the connector for supplying the power to the head.Connect the attached head power cable.3. Laser Radiation IndicatorThis indicator indicates the laser radiation state. Refer to “Safety Functions on Laser Marker” (P.27) for the detail.4. Laser Pointer Emission PortThe emission port of the red laser pointer radiated when using the dual pointer function. To use the dual pointerfunction, do not seal the laser pointer emission port at the installation. For details, refer to “2-1-7 Lasing positioncheck” (P.69).5. Laser Emission PortThis is the emission port of the laser beam.6. Focus DialThis is the dial to check the focus adjusting. Refer to “2-1-8 Focus adjustment function” (P.70) for the detail.7. Focus Adjusting ControlThe control for adjusting the distance from the work. Refer to “2-1-8 Focus adjustment function” (P.70) for the detail.8. Intake Vent for Air CoolingAir inlet for cooling the head. In this vent the filter is installed.9. Setscrew for Scanning Angle [Only for LP-400 series with the standard head]This is the setscrew for rotation of head scanning. Loosen this setscrew for rotating scanner.Refer to “2-1-3 Rotation of LP-400 Standard Head Scanner” (P.64) for the detail.10. Arrow for Indicating Rotation Angle [Only for LP-400 series with the standard head]This is the arrow that indicates rotation angle of the head scanner.Refer to “2-1-3 Rotation of LP-400 Standard Head Scanner” (P.64) for the detail.ME-LP400V-OP-6