252⿎ Text OutputThe selected file data is copied to USB media with text format.1. Select the file to be text outputted from the file list,and press [EXECUTE].2. Select the directory to be copied the file, and pressthe file name input column. After that, input thefile name to be saved into USB media, and press[SET]. and then press [SAVE].Input possible with 8 characters of English capital letters ornumeric letters, or 4 characters of Hiragana, Katakana, andKanji.3. The file data will be output to USB media in the text format.Reference• The data output into text format can be opened and read with “Notepad”, etc. of “Windows”.• The following names have been already reserved by system and can not be used as a file name.CLOCK$, CON, AUX, NUL, PRNCOM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9ME-LP400V-OP-6