31⿎ Construction of Interlock SystemFor operating this product, construct the protective enclosure enclosing the range of the laser radiation for protecting theexposure caused by the reflection of the laser radiation from the work piece or the surrounding objects, and also constructthe interlock system. The following figure shows the construction sample of the interlock system.ABCDABCDABCDBCDqwreyrtNo. Description Noteq Emergency stop button Construct a control system for shutting off the laserpower when it is opened.w Door for the maintenancee Safety switchr Laser protection shutter for marking object gateway Construct a control system which will separate(cut off) the laser beam or shut off the laser powerwhen it is open.t Depending on the system control specification, use safetyrelay unit or safety PLC etc.Connect the devices q to r and I/O terminal ofthe laser marker.Depending on the system design, use the safetyrelay unit or the safety PLC.y To I/O terminal(laser stop input, emergency stop input, etc.)Reference• When primary AC power supply of the system is performed as a safety measure, process AC power cable to set theswitch as follows.AC Power CableEmergency Stop Switch RelayME-LP400V-OP-6