263⿎ EthernetThis screen specifies the Ethernet communication setting. Set this to perform Ethernet communication.Select the [Ethernet] and press [SETUP] button to show the Network Setting Screen.Press [OK] to save the settings. (Press [Cancel] to discard the changes.)612345Environment 3 Screen Network Setting ScreenItem Description1 IP Address : Sets the IP address.Setting Range to (except 127 in the 1st octet)Initial setting Subnet Mask : Sets the subnet mask.Setting Range to setting Default Gateway : Sets the default gateway.Setting Range to 127 in the 1st octet)Initial setting None (blank)4 Port : Sets the port.Setting Range 5001 to 65534 [except 9090 and 9091]Initial setting 90945 MAC Address : Displays currently set MAC Address.6 BCS Command GS→ FNC1: This setting is available only when the barcode “GS1 DataMatrix” is used. To set thebarcode character by using serial communication command “BCS”, select either “GS”(OFF) or “FNC1” (ON) as the separator of AI data with the variable length.Setting Range ON: the separator of variable length AI data is “FNC1”.OFF: the separator of variable length AI data is “GS”.Notice• The communication control of the laser marker through the Ethernet should be performed in a secure networkenvironment.Reference• “Octet” is a 3-figure value delimited by dots. From the beginning, it is called the “1st octet”, “2nd octet”, and so forth.• Depending on the combination, there are cases where IP Address and Subnet Mask values cannot be set even if theyare within the setting range.• Make sure that the IP address for the laser marker on the network is not overlapping the IP address for the PC.• When the backup data is restored to the laser marker, communication parameter settings are overwritten with thebackup data. After restoring, confirm the IP address and other parameters.ME-LP400V-OP-6