2000-A2-GB20-10 - 239 - February 2004Lines 5 and 6 are connected togetherLines 7 and 8 are connected togetherHotline test started6. Press Escape to terminate the test. The IAD terminates the test anddisplays the POTS Diagnostics menu.Performing a Ring TestThe ring test verifies that POTS device attached may be ringed by the IAD.To perform a ring test:1. Type R on the POTS Diagnostics menu to select Ring Test.2. The IAD displays this prompt:Ring all lines? (YN or ESC):Enter Y to proceed, or N or Escape to abort and return to the menu.THe IAD displays this prompt:Ring lines concurrently or sequentially? (CS orESC):Enter C (concurrent), S (sequential), or Escape.Listen for the rings to occur, and press Escape to terminate the test.The IAD terminates the test and displays the menu.Performing a Power Supply TestThe power supply test checks the IAD power supply, SLIC and CODEC.To perform a power supply test:1. Type S on the POTS Diagnostics menu to select Power Supply Test.2. The IAD tests each POTS line and reports the status.3. Continue with other tests, or press Escape twice to return to the Mainmenu.Performing a Phone Detect TestThe Phone Detect test detects POTS devices on each of the voice ports.To perform a Phone Detect test:1. Type P on the POTS Diagnostics menu to select Phone Detect Test.2. The IAD tests for the presence of a POTS device on each port, andreports the status.3. Continue with other tests, or press Escape twice to return to the Mainmenu.Performing a Ring TestThe ring test rings all voice port lines either simultaneously or individually,in sequence.To perform a ring test:1. Type R on the POTS Diagnostics menu to select Ring Test.2. The IAD displays the following prompt:Ring all lines? (YN or ESC): yType Y to test all lines.—or—Type N to test a specific line. The IAD prompts you for the port number.