Diagnostics & Troubleshooting 6 - 13Table 6.2 Alarm Displays and Processing (continued)DigitalOperator Display Description Cause Corrective ActionOVDC Bus Overvolt(Flashing)DC Bus OvervoltageThe DC bus voltage has exceeded the trippoint.Default:208-240Vac: Trip point is 410Vdc480Vac: Trip point is 820VdcDetected when the Drive is in a stoppedcondition. E1-01 affects the trip level.High input voltage at R/L1,S/L2 and T/L3Check the input circuit andreduce the input power to withinspecifications.The deceleration time is set tooshort.Extend the time in C1-02 or otheractive decel settings used such asC1-04, C1-06, C1-08 or C1-09(time).Power factor correctioncapacitors are being used on theinput or output to the Drive.Remove the power factorcorrection capacitors.PGOPG Open(Flashing)PG Disconnection (Detection withSoftware)Detected when F1-02 = 3 and A1-02 = 1or 3.Detected when no PG (encoder) pulses arereceived for a time longer than the setting inF1-14.There was a break in the PGwiring.Fix the broken / disconnectedwiring.The PG was wired incorrectly. Fix the wiring.Power wasn’t being supplied tothe PG. Supply power to the PG properly.Brake mechanism ispossibly engaged.Check for open circuit whenusing brake (motor).PGO HPG Open Hardware<3021>PG Disconnection (Detection withHardware)Detected when F1-02 = 3 and F1-25 = 1(PG-T2 or PG-Z2) and / or F1-26 = 1(PG-Z2) and A1-02 = 1 or 3.Detected when no PG (encoder) pulses arereceived.There was a break in the PGwiring.Fix the broken / disconnectedwiring.The PG was wired incorrectly. Fix the wiring.Power wasn’t being supplied tothe PG. Supply power to the PG properly.Brake mechanism is possiblyengagedCheck for open circuit whenusing brake (motor).UL3Undertorq Det 1(Flashing)Undertorque Detection 1Drive output current < L6-02 for more thanthe time set in L6-03 when L6-01 = 5 or 6.Motor was underloaded.Ensure the values in L6-02 andL6-03 are appropriate.Check application/machinestatus to eliminate fault.UL4Undertorq Det 2(Flashing)Undertorque Detection 2Drive output current < L6-05 for more thanthe time set in L6-06 when L6-04 = 5 or 6.Motor was underloaded.Ensure the values in L6-05 andL6-06 are appropriate.Check application/machinestatus to eliminate fault.UVDC Bus Undervolt(Flashing)DC Bus UndervoltageThe DC bus voltage is ≤ L2-05.Default:208-240Vac: Trip point is 190Vdc480Vac: Trip point is 380VdcDetected while Drive is in a stoppedcondition.Low input voltage was at R/L1,S/L2 and T/L3.Check the input circuit andincrease the input power towithin specifications.The acceleration time was settoo short.Extend the time in C1-01 or otheractive accel settings used such asC1-03, C1-05, or C1-07 (time).Voltage fluctuation of the inputpower was too large. Check the input voltage.