Parameters A - 30H6-04Pulse Train Input BiasPulse Input BiasSets the output level when the pulse train input is 0Hz as apercentage of maximum output frequency E1-04.-100.0 to100.0 0.0% A A A AH6-05Pulse Train Input Filter TimePulse In Filter Sets the pulse train input filter time constant in seconds. 0.00 to2.00 0.10sec A A A AH6-06Terminal MP Pulse TrainMonitor SelectionPulse Moni SelSelect the pulse train monitor output terminal MP function (value ofthe part of U1-). See Table A2 for the list of U1monitors.1, 2, 5,20, 24,31, 362 A A A AH6-07Pulse Train MonitorScalingPulse Moni ScaleSets the number of output pulses when the monitor is 100% (in Hz).Set H6-06 to 2, and H6-07 to 0, to make the pulse trainmonitor output synchronous to the output frequency.0 to32000 1440Hz A A A AMotor OverloadL1-01Motor OverloadProtection SelectionMOL Fault SelectSets the motor thermal overload protection (OL1) based on thecooling capacity of the motor.0: Disabled1: Standard Fan Cooled (< 10:1 motor)2: Standard Blower Cooled (≥ 10:1 motor)3: Vector Motor (≤ 1000:1 motor)0 to 3 1 Q Q Q QL1-02Motor OverloadProtection TimeMOL Time ConstSets the motor thermal overload protection (OL1) time. A largerL1-02 time will increase the time before an OL1 fault will occur.0.1 to20.0 8.0min A A A AL1-03Motor Overheat AlarmOperation SelectionMtr OH Alarm SelSets operation selection when the motor temperature analog input(H3-09 = E) exceeds the OH3 alarm level (1.17V)0: Ramp to Stop1: Coast to Stop2: Fast-Stop3: Alarm Only0 to 3 3 A A A AL1-04Motor Overheat FaultOperation SelectionMtr OH Fault SelSets stopping method when the motor temperature analog input(H3-09 = E) exceeds the OH4 fault level (2.34V).0: Ramp to Stop1: Coast to Stop2: Fast-Stop0 to 2 1 A A A AL1-05Motor Temperature InputFilter TimeMtr Temp FilterThis parameter adjusts the filter on the motor temperature analoginput (H3-09 = E). Increase to add stability, decrease to improveresponse.0.00 to10.00 0.20sec A A A APower Loss RidethruL2-01Momentary Power LossDetection SelectionPwrL SelectionEnables and disables the momentary power loss function.0: Disabled - Drive trips on (UV1) fault when power is lost.1: Power Loss Ride Thru Time - Drive will restart if power returnswithin the time set in L2-02.*2: CPU Power Active - Drive will restart if power returns prior tocontrol power supply shut down.** In order for a restart to occur, the run command must bemaintained throughout the ride thru period.0 to 2 0 A A A AL2-02Momentary Power Loss Ride-thru TimePwrL Ridethru tSets the power loss ride-thru time. This value is dependent on thecapacity of the Drive. Only effective when L2-01 = 1.0.0 to25.5secVariesbykVAA A A AL2-03Momentary Power LossMinimum Base Block TimePwrL Baseblock tSets the minimum time to wait to allow the residual motor voltageto decay before the Drive output turns back on during power lossride thru. After a power loss, if L2-03 is greater than L2-02,operation resumes after the time set in L2-03.0.1 to5.0secVariesbykVAA A A AL2-04Momentary Power LossVoltage Recovery Ramp TimePwrL V/F Ramp tSets the time it takes the output voltage to return to the preset V/Fpattern after speed search (current detection mode) is complete.0.0 to5.0secVariesbykVAA A A AL2-05Undervoltage DetectionLevelPUV Det LevelSets the Drive's DC Bus undervoltage trip level. If this is set lowerthan the factory setting, additional AC input reactance or DC busreactance may be necessary. Consult the factory before changingthis parameter setting.150 to210300 to420190 Vdc(230V)380 Vdc(480V)A A A AL2-06 KEB Deceleration RateKEB Decel TimeSets the time required to decelerate to zero speed when a KEB com-mand is input from a multi-function input.0.0 to200.0 0.0sec A A A AL2-07 Momentary Recovery TimeUV Return TimeSet the time (in seconds) to accelerate to the set speed afterrecovery from a momentary power loss. If setting = 0.0, then activeacceleration time is used instead.0.0 to25.5 0.0sec A A A ADenotes that parameter can be changed when the Drive is running.Table A.1 F7 Parameter List (Continued)ParameterNo.Parameter NameDigital Operator Display Description SettingRangeFactorySettingControl MethodV/F V/Fw/PGOpenLoopVectorFluxVector