Parameters A - 23H1-03Multi-Function Digital InputTerminal S5Function SelectionTerminal S5 Sel15: Fast-Stop N.O.Closed = Drive decelerates using C1-09, regardless of runcommand status.16: Motor 2 SelectionClosed = Motor 2 (E3-, E4-)Open = Motor 1 (A1-02, E1-, E2-)17: Fast-Stop N.C.Closed = Normal operationOpen = Drive decelerates using C1-09, regardless of runcommand status.18: Timer FunctionInput for independent timer, controlled by b4-01 and b4-02.Used in conjunction with the multi-function digital outputfunction H2- = 12 “timer output”.19: PID DisableClosed = Turns off the PID controller.1A: Accel / Decel Time Selection 2Based on status of Accel/Decel Time Selection 1 and 2.1B: Program LockoutClosed = All parameter settings can be changed.Open = Only U1-01 can be changed.1C: Trim Control IncreaseClosed = Increase frequency reference by value in d4-02.Open = Return to normal frequency reference.Not effective when Preset References are selected (Multi-stepspeed digital inputs are closed). Must be used in conjunctionwith Trim Ctrl Decrease.1D: Trim Control DecreaseClosed = Decrease frequency reference by value in d4-02Open = Return to normal frequency reference.Not effective when Preset References are selected (Multi-stepspeed digital inputs are closed). Must be used in conjunctionwith Trim Ctrl Increase.1E: Reference Sample HoldAnalog frequency reference is sampled then held at time ofinput closure.20: External Fault, Normally Open, Always Detected, Ramp ToStop21: External Fault, Normally Closed, Always Detected, Ramp ToStop22: External Fault, Normally Open, During Run, Ramp To Stop23: External Fault, Normally Closed, During Run, Ramp To Stop24: External Fault, Normally Open, Always Detected, Coast ToStop25: External Fault, Normally Closed, Always Detected, Coast ToStop26: External Fault, Normally Open, During Run, Coast To Stop27: External Fault, Normally Closed, During Run, Coast To Stop28: External Fault, Normally Open, Always Detected, Fast-Stop29: External Fault, Normally Closed, Always Detected, Fast-Stop2A:External Fault, Normally Open, During Run, Fast-Stop2B:External Fault, Normally Closed, During Run, Fast-Stop2C:External Fault, Normally Open, Always Detected, Alarm Only2D:External Fault, Normally Closed, Always Detected, AlarmOnly2E: External Fault, Normally Open, During Run, Alarm Only2F: External Fault, Normally Closed, During Run, Alarm Only(Continued on following page).0 to 783:2-wire0:3-wireA A A AH1-04Multi-Function Digital InputTerminal S6Function SelectionTerminal S6 Sel0 to 784:2-wire3:3-wireA A A ADenotes that parameter can be changed when the Drive is running.Table A.1 F7 Parameter List (Continued)ParameterNo.Parameter NameDigital Operator Display Description SettingRangeFactorySettingControl MethodV/F V/Fw/PGOpenLoopVectorFluxVector