Parameters A - 39U1-12 Drive Operation StatusInt Ctl Sts 1Internal Drive status-U1-13 Cumulative Operation TimeElapsed Time Total operating or power-on time of the Drive. 1hrU1-14 Software NumberFLASH ID Last 5 digits of the Drive's software number. -U1-15 Terminal A1 Input VoltageTerm A1 Level Input voltage on Terminal A1, as a percentage of ±10Vdc. 0.1%U1-16 Terminal A2 Input VoltageTerm A2 levelDisplays the input current (or voltage) on Terminal A2, as apercentage of ±10Vdc. 0.1%U1-17 Terminal A3 Input VoltageTerm A3 level Input voltage on Terminal A3, as a percentage of ±10Vdc. 0.1%U1-18 Motor Secondary Current (Iq )Mot SEC Current Current being used by the motor to produce torque (I q ). 0.1%U1-19 Motor Excitation Current (I d)Mot EXC Current Current being used by the motor for excitation (I d). 0.1%U1-20 Output Frequency After Soft StartSFS OutputFrequency reference (speed command) after the accel anddecel ramps and S-curve. 0.01HzU1-21 ASR InputASR InputInput error to the speed control loop (ASR).The maximum output frequency E1-04 corresponds to 100%. 0.01%U1-22 ASR Output with FilterASR Output w FilOutput from the speed control loop (ASR).The motor rated secondary current corresponds to 100%. 0.01%U1-24 PI Feedback ValuePID Feedback Feedback signal level when PID control is used. 0.01%U1-25 DI-16H2 Input StatusDI-16 ReferenceReference value from a DI-16H2 Digital Reference Card.The value will be displayed in binary or BCD depending onuser constant F3-01.Set by F3-01U1-26 Output voltage reference (Vq)Voltage Ref (Vq) Internal voltage reference for motor secondary current control. 0.1VacU1-27 Output voltage reference (Vd)Voltage Ref (Vd) Internal voltage reference for motor excitation current control. 0.1VacU1-28 CPU NumberCPU ID Control board hardware revision. -U1-29 kWhkWh Lo 4 Digits Accumulated kilowatt-hours. 0.1kWhU1-30 MWhkWh Hi 5 Digits Accumulated megawatt-hours. 1MWhU1-32 ACR output of q axisACR(q) Output Current control output value for the motor secondary current. 0.1%U1-33 ACR output of d axisACR(d) Output Current control output value for the motor excitation current. 0.1%U1-34 First Parameter Causing an OPEOPE Detected Parameter number causing an "OPE" fault. -U1-35 Zero Servo Pulse CountZero Servo PulseNumber of PG pulses times 4 for the movement range whenstopped at zero servo. 1 pulseU1-36 PID InputPID InputInput error to the PID regulator(PID Setpoint - PID Feedback). 0.01%U1-37 PID OutputPID OutputOutput of the PID regulator as a percentage of maximumfrequency (E1-04). 0.01%Table A.2 F7 Monitor List (Continued)ParameterNo.Parameter NameDigital Operator Display Description Display Units1: During running1: During zero speed1: During reverse1: During reset signal input1: During speed agree1: Drive operation ready1: During fault detection(Minor fault)1: During fault detection(Major fault)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0