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NXP Semiconductors MC9S08SU16VFK manuals

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Table of contents
  1. Table Of Contents
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Table Of Contents
  9. Table Of Contents
  10. Table Of Contents
  11. Table Of Contents
  12. Table Of Contents
  13. Table Of Contents
  14. Table Of Contents
  15. Table Of Contents
  16. Table Of Contents
  17. Table Of Contents
  18. Table Of Contents
  19. Table Of Contents
  20. Table Of Contents
  21. Table Of Contents
  22. Table Of Contents
  23. Table Of Contents
  24. Table Of Contents
  25. Table Of Contents
  26. Table Of Contents
  27. Table Of Contents
  28. Table Of Contents
  29. Table Of Contents
  30. Overview
  31. Typographic notation
  32. Introduction
  33. S08L core modules
  34. Memories and memory interfaces
  35. Security and integrity modules
  36. Communication interfaces
  37. Human-machine interfaces
  38. Orderable part numbers
  39. Memory map
  40. Reset and interrupt vector assignments
  41. Register addresses assignments
  42. Random-access memory (RAM)
  43. System register file
  44. Interrupts
  45. Interrupt stack frame
  46. Hardware nested interrupt
  47. Interrupt priority level register
  48. Integration and application of the IPC
  49. IPC memory map and register descriptions
  50. Interrupt Priority Mask Pseudo Stack Register (IPC_IPMPS)
  51. Interrupt Level Setting Registers n (IPC_ILRSn)
  52. Features
  53. Configuration options
  54. Clock module
  55. Internal clock source (ICS)
  56. kHz low-power oscillator (LPO)
  57. Wait mode
  58. Power modes behaviors
  59. Bandgap reference
  60. Pinout
  61. Signal description table
  62. Port data and data direction
  63. Input glitch filter
  64. Memory map and register definition
  65. Port B Data Register (PORT_PTBD)
  66. Port A Direction Register (PORT_PTADD)
  67. Port B Direction Register (PORT_PTBDD)
  68. Port A Pullup Enable Register (PORT_PTAPE)
  69. Port B Pullup/Pulldown Enable Register (PORT_PTBPE)
  70. Port B High Drive Strength Selection Register (PORT_PTBHD)
  71. Port Filter Register 0 (PORT_IOFLT0)
  72. Port Filter Register 1 (PORT_IOFLT1)
  73. Port Filter Register 2 (PORT_IOFLT2)
  74. Chip specific windowed COP
  75. System device identification (SDID)
  76. Computer operating properly (COP) watchdog
  77. System options
  78. RESET_b pin enable
  79. Module to module interconnects
  80. System Reset Status Register (SIM_SRS)
  81. System Background Debug Force Reset Register (SIM_SBDFR)
  82. System Device Identification Register: Low (SIM_SDIDL)
  83. System Options Register 2 (SIM_SOPT2)
  84. System Port A Pin Multiplexing Control Register: Low (SIM_MUXPTAL)
  85. System Port A Pin Multiplexing Control Register: High (SIM_MUXPTAH)
  86. System Port B Pin Multiplexing Control Register: Low (SIM_MUXPTBL)
  87. System Port B Pin Multiplexing Control Register: High (SIM_MUXPTBH)
  88. System Port C Pin Multiplexing Control Register: Low (SIM_MUXPTCL)
  89. System Clock Gating Control 2 Register (SIM_SCGC2)
  90. System Clock Gating Control 3 Register (SIM_SCGC3)
  91. System Clock Divider Register (SIM_SCDIV)
  92. System POR Register (SIM_PORREGn)
  93. Illegal Address Register: High (SIM_ILLAH)
  94. Universally Unique Identifier Register 0 (SIM_UUID0)
  95. Universally Unique Identifier Register 2 (SIM_UUID2)
  96. Universally Unique Identifier Register 4 (SIM_UUID4)
  97. Universally Unique Identifier Register 6 (SIM_UUID6)
  98. Programmer's Model and CPU Registers
  99. Index Register (H:X)
  100. Program Counter (PC)
  101. Addressing Modes
  102. Inherent Addressing Mode (INH)
  103. Direct Addressing Mode (DIR)
  104. Indexed Addressing Mode
  105. Indexed, 8-Bit Offset with Post Increment (IX1+)
  106. SP-Relative, 16-Bit Offset (SP2)
  107. Indexed to Direct, Post Increment
  108. Security mode
  109. HCS08 V6 Opcodes
  110. Instruction Set Summary
  111. Other flash module features
  112. Flash memory map
  113. Writing the FCLKDIV register
  114. Command write sequence
  115. Flash interrupts
  116. Protection
  117. Security
  118. Unsecuring the MCU using backdoor key access
  119. Unsecuring the MCU using BDM
  120. Flash command summary
  121. Erase Verify All Blocks command
  122. Erase Verify Flash Section command
  123. Read once command
  124. Program Flash command
  125. Program Once command
  126. Erase All Blocks command
  127. Erase flash block command
  128. Unsecure flash command
  129. Verify backdoor access key command
  130. Set user margin level command
  131. Set factory margin level command
  132. Flash Clock Divider Register (FTMRH_FCLKDIV)
  133. Flash Security Register (FTMRH_FSEC)
  134. Flash CCOB Index Register (FTMRH_FCCOBIX)
  135. Flash Status Register (FTMRH_FSTAT)
  136. Flash Protection Register (FTMRH_FPROT)
  137. Flash Common Command Object Register:High (FTMRH_FCCOBHI)
  138. Flash Common Command Object Register: Low (FTMRH_FCCOBLO)
  139. Block diagram
  140. FLL bypassed internal (FBI)
  141. Register definition
  142. ICS Control Register 2 (ICS_C2)
  143. ICS Control Register 3 (ICS_C3)
  144. ICS Control Register 4 (ICS_C4)
  145. ICS Status Register (ICS_S)
  146. Functional description
  147. FLL engaged external (FEE)
  148. FLL bypassed external (FBE)
  149. Mode switching
  150. Fixed frequency clock
  151. External reference clock monitor
  152. Initializing FEE mode
  153. Chip specific modulo timer
  154. Modes of Operation
  155. MTIM16 in Active Background Mode
  156. Memory Map and Register Descriptions
  157. MTIM16 clock configuration register (MTIM_CLK)
  158. MTIM16 counter register high (MTIM_CNTH)
  159. MTIM16 counter register low (MTIM_CNTL)
  160. MTIM16 modulo register high (MTIM_MODH)
  161. MTIM16 modulo register low (MTIM_MODL)
  162. MTIM16 Operation Example
  163. Chip specific power management controller
  164. Full performance mode
  165. VDDF
  166. Control Register (PMC_CTRL)
  167. Reset Flags Register (PMC_RST)
  168. Temperature Offset Step Trim Register (PMC_TPTM)
  169. RC Oscillator Offset Step Trim Register (PMC_RC20KTRM)
  170. Low Voltage Control and Status Register 1 (system 5 V) (PMC_LVCTLSTAT1)
  171. VREFH Low Voltage Warning (LVW) Configuration Register (PMC_VREFHLVW)
  172. VREGVDD
  173. LVR in low power mode
  174. High-accuracy reference voltage
  175. Low-power RC oscillator
  176. Chip specific KBI information
  177. KBI in Wait mode
  178. External signals description
  179. KBI Status and Control Register (KBI_SC)
  180. KBI Pin Enable Register (KBI_PE)
  181. KBI Pullup Resistor
  182. Chip specific cyclic redundancy check (CRC)
  183. Run mode
  184. CRC Data register: High 0 (CRC_DH0)
  185. CRC Data register: Low 1 (CRC_DL1)
  186. CRC Polynomial Register: High 1 (CRC_PH1)
  187. CRC Polynomial Register: High 0 (CRC_PH0)
  188. CRC Polynomial Register: Low 0 (CRC_PL0)
  189. CRC calculations
  190. Transpose feature
  191. CRC result complement
  192. Chip-specific ADC information
  193. ADC channel assignments
  194. ADC analog supply and reference connections
  195. Hardware trigger
  196. Analog Channel Inputs (ADx)
  197. Status and Control Register 2 (ADCx_SC2)
  198. Status and Control Register 3 (ADCx_SC3)
  199. Status and Control Register 4 (ADCx_SC4)
  200. Conversion Result High Register (ADCx_RH)
  201. Conversion Result Low Register (ADCx_RL)
  202. Compare Value High Register (ADCx_CVH)
  203. Completing conversions
  204. Power control
  205. Automatic compare function
  206. FIFO operation
  207. MCU wait mode operation
  208. Initialization information
  209. Pseudo-code example
  210. Application information
  211. Analog input pins
  212. Sources of error
  213. Code width and quantization error
  214. Linearity errors
  215. Code jitter, non-monotonicity, and missing codes
  216. CMP configuration information
  217. ACMP in stop mode
  218. CMP Features
  219. ANMUX Key Features
  220. CMP Block Diagram
  221. Memory Map/Register Definitions
  222. CMP Control Register 1 (CMP_CR1)
  223. CMP Filter Period Register (CMP_FPR)
  224. CMP Status and Control Register (CMP_SCR)
  225. DAC Control Register (CMP_DACCR)
  226. MUX Control Register (CMP_MUXCR)
  227. MUX Pin Enable Register (CMP_MUXPE)
  228. CMP Functional Modes
  229. Disabled Mode (# 1)
  230. Sampled, Non-Filtered Mode (#s 3A & 3B)
  231. Sampled, Filtered Mode (#s 4A & 4B)
  232. Windowed Mode (#s 5A & 5B)
  233. Windowed/Resampled Mode (# 6)
  234. Windowed/Filtered Mode (#7)
  235. Stop Mode Operation
  236. Low Pass Filter
  237. Latency Issues
  238. CMP Interrupts
  239. DAC Functional Description
  240. Chip specific FlexTimer module
  241. Signal description
  242. EXTCLK — FTM external clock
  243. Status and Control (FTMx_SC)
  244. Counter High (FTMx_CNTH)
  245. Counter Low (FTMx_CNTL)
  246. Modulo Low (FTMx_MODL)
  247. Channel Status and Control (FTMx_CnSC)
  248. Channel Value High (FTMx_CnVH)
  249. Channel Value Low (FTMx_CnVL)
  250. Prescaler
  251. Up counting
  252. Free running counter
  253. Output compare mode
  254. Edge-aligned PWM (EPWM) mode
  255. Center-aligned PWM (CPWM) mode
  256. Update of the registers with write buffers
  257. CnVH:L registers
  258. FTM Interrupts
  259. Chip specific pules width timer
  260. PWTIN[3:0] — pulse width timer capture inputs
  261. Pulse Width Timer Control and Status Register (PWTx_CS)
  262. Pulse Width Timer Control Register (PWTx_CR)
  263. Pulse Width Timer Positive Pulse Width Register: High (PWTx_PPH)
  264. Pulse Width Timer Positive Pulse Width Register: Loq (PWTx_PPL)
  265. Pulse Width Timer Negative Pulse Width Register: Low (PWTx_NPL)
  266. Reset overview
  267. Application examples
  268. Initialization/Application information
  269. Chip specific inter-integrated circuit
  270. I2C signal descriptions
  271. I2C Address Register 1 (I2C_A1)
  272. I2C Control Register 1 (I2C_C1)
  273. I2C Status register (I2C_S)
  274. I2C Data I/O register (I2C_D)
  275. I2C Control Register 2 (I2C_C2)
  276. I2C Stop Control and Status Register (I2C_SCS)
  277. I2C Range Address register (I2C_RA)
  278. I2C SMBus Control and Status register (I2C_SMB)
  279. I2C Address Register 2 (I2C_A2)
  280. I2C SCL Low Timeout Register High (I2C_SLTH)
  281. I2C Status register 2 (I2C_S2)
  282. I2C protocol
  283. Slave address transmission
  284. STOP signal
  285. Clock synchronization
  286. Clock stretching
  287. bit address
  288. Master-receiver addresses a slave-transmitter
  289. System management bus specification
  290. FAST ACK and NACK
  291. Resets
  292. Byte transfer interrupt
  293. Timeout interrupt in SMBus
  294. Double buffering mode
  295. Chip specific serial communications interface
  296. SCI signal descriptions
  297. SCI Baud Rate Register: High (SCIx_BDH)
  298. SCI Baud Rate Register: Low (SCIx_BDL)
  299. SCI Control Register 2 (SCIx_C2)
  300. SCI Status Register 1 (SCIx_S1)
  301. SCI Status Register 2 (SCIx_S2)
  302. SCI Control Register 3 (SCIx_C3)
  303. SCI Data Register (SCIx_D)
  304. Baud rate generation
  305. Send break and queued idle
  306. Receiver functional description
  307. Data sampling technique
  308. Receiver wake-up operation
  309. Interrupts and status flags
  310. Baud rate tolerance
  311. Slow data tolerance
  312. Fast data tolerance
  313. Additional SCI functions
  314. Loop mode
  315. Chip specific programmable delay block
  316. Mode of operation
  317. Continuous count mode
  318. PDB Control Register 1 (PDB_CTRL1)
  319. PDB0 Comparison Low Register (PDB_CMPL0)
  320. PDB0 Comparison High Register (PDB_CMPH0)
  321. PDB1 Comparison Low Register (PDB_CMPL1)
  322. PDB1 Counter High/Low (PDB_CNT1)
  323. External Mux Selection Register (XBAR_EXTMUX)
  324. XBAR Selection Register (XBAR_SELn)
  325. Chip specific GDU information
  326. PHCMP0 Control Register 0 (GDU_PHCMP0CR0)
  327. PHCMP0 Filter Period Register (GDU_PHCMP0FPR)
  328. PHCMP1 Control Register 0 (GDU_PHCMP1CR0)
  329. PHCMP1 Control Register 1 (GDU_PHCMP1CR1)
  330. PHCMP1 Filter Period Register (GDU_PHCMP1FPR)
  331. PHCMP1 Status and Control Register (GDU_PHCMP1SCR)
  332. PHCMP2 Control Register 0 (GDU_PHCMP2CR0)
  333. PHCMP2 Filter Period Register (GDU_PHCMP2FPR)
  334. Clamp Control Register (GDU_CLMPCTRL)
  335. I/O Control Register (GDU_IOCTRL)
  336. Virtual Network Phase Detection Control (GDU_PHASECTRL)
  337. Current Sensor and Overcurrent Protection Control Register (GDU_CURCTRL)
  338. LIMIT0 CMP Control Register 1 (GDU_LIMIT0CR1)
  339. LIMIT0 CMP Filter Period Register (GDU_LIMIT0FPR)
  340. LIMIT0 CMP Status and Control Register (GDU_LIMIT0SCR)
  341. LIMIT0 DAC Control Register (GDU_LIMIT0DACCR)
  342. LIMIT1 CMP Control Register 1 (GDU_LIMIT1CR1)
  343. LIMIT1 CMP Filter Period Register (GDU_LIMIT1FPR)
  344. LIMIT1 CMP Status and Control Register (GDU_LIMIT1SCR)
  345. LIMIT1 DAC Control Register (GDU_LIMIT1DACCR)
  347. Phase detection function descriptions
  348. OpAMP function descriptions
  349. OpAMP descriptions
  350. Predrive descriptions
  351. GCMP diagram
  352. GCMP functional modes
  353. Power modes
  354. Startup and operation
  355. GCMP interrupts
  356. Chip specific pulse width modulator
  357. MC9S08SU16 Reference Manual, Rev. 5, 4/2017 NXP Semiconductors
  358. Alignment and compare output polarity
  359. Period
  360. Independent or complementary channel operation
  361. Deadtime generators
  362. Asymmetric PWM output
  363. PWM output polarity
  364. Generator loading
  365. Reload flag
  366. Initialization
  367. Fault protection
  368. Fault pin filter
  369. Automatic fault clearing
  370. PWM Control Register: Low (PWM_CTRLL)
  371. PWM Control Register: High (PWM_CTRLH)
  372. PWM Fault Control Register: Low (PWM_FCTRLL)
  373. PWM Fault Control Register: High (PWM_FCTRLH)
  374. PWM Fault Status Acknowledge Register: High (PWM_FLTACKH)
  375. PWM Output Control Register: Low (PWM_OUTL)
  376. PWM Output Control Register: High (PWM_OUTH)
  377. PWM Counter Register: High (PWM_CNTRH)
  378. PWM Counter Register: High (PWM_CMODH)
  379. PWM Value Register: High (PWM_VALnH)
  380. PWM Deadtime Register: Low (PWM_DTIMnL)
  381. PWM Disable Mapping Registers 1: Low (PWM_DMAP1L)
  382. PWM Disable Mapping Registers 1: High (PWM_DMAP1H)
  383. PWM Configure Register: High (PWM_CNFGH)
  384. PWM Channel Control Register: Low (PWM_CCTRLL)
  385. PWM Channel Control Register: High (PWM_CCTRLH)
  386. PWM Compare Invert Register: High (PWM_CINVH)
  387. Background debug controller (BDC)
  388. BKGD pin description
  389. Communication details
  390. BDC commands
  391. BDC hardware breakpoint
  392. Comparators A and B
  393. Bus capture information and FIFO operation
  394. Change-of-flow information
  395. Trigger modes
  396. Hardware breakpoints
  397. Memory map and register description
  398. BDC Breakpoint Match Register: High (BDC_BKPTH)
  399. BDC Breakpoint Register: Low (BDC_BKPTL)
  400. Debug Comparator A High Register (DBG_CAH)
  401. Debug Comparator A Low Register (DBG_CAL)
  402. Debug Comparator B High Register (DBG_CBH)
  403. Debug Comparator C High Register (DBG_CCH)
  404. Debug Comparator C Low Register (DBG_CCL)
  405. Debug FIFO Low Register (DBG_FL)
  406. Debug Comparator A Extension Register (DBG_CAX)
  407. Debug Comparator B Extension Register (DBG_CBX)
  408. Debug Comparator C Extension Register (DBG_CCX)
  409. Debug FIFO Extended Information Register (DBG_FX)
  410. Debug Trigger Register (DBG_T)
  411. Debug Status Register (DBG_S)
  412. Debug Count Status Register (DBG_CNT)
  413. Breakpoints
  414. Trigger selection
  415. Begin- and end-trigger
  416. FIFO
  417. Storing data in FIFO
  418. Interrupt priority
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