PWTx_CR field descriptionsField Description7PCLKSPWT Clock Source SelectionControls the selection of clock source for the PWT counter.0 BUS_CLK is selected as the clock source of PWT counter.1 Alternative clock is selected as the clock source of PWT counter.6–5PINSELPWT Pulse Inputs SelectionEnables the corresponding PWT input port, if this PWT input comes from an external source.00 PWTIN[0] is enabled.01 PWTIN[1] is enabled.10 PWTIN[2] enabled.11 PWTIN[3] enabled.4TGLPWTIN states Toggled from last stateThis flag indicates if the selected PWTIN has toggled its state since last time this bit has cleared to 0.0 The selected PWTIN hasn’t changed its original states from last time.1 The selected PWTIN has toggled its states.3LVLPWTIN Level when OverflowsThis Read Only bit signalizes the selected PWTIN states when the coutner overflows to read out.PRE PWT Clock Prescaler (CLKPRE) SettingSelects the value by which the clock is divided to clock the PWT counter.000 Clock divided by 1.001 Clock divided by 2.010 Clock divided by 4.011 Clock divided by 8.100 Clock divided by 16.101 Clock divided by 32.110 Clock divided by 64.111 Clock divided by Pulse Width Timer Positive Pulse Width Register: High(PWTx_PPH)Address: Base address + 2h offsetBit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Read PPWHWriteReset 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Chapter 20 Pules Width Timer (PWT)MC9S08SU16 Reference Manual, Rev. 5, 4/2017NXP Semiconductors 349