Trigger modesThe on-chip ICE system supports nine trigger modes. The trigger mode is used as aqualifier for either starting or ending the storing of data in the FIFO. When the matchcondition is met, the appropriate flag AF or BF is set in DBG_S register. Arming theDBG module clears the DBG_S[AF], DBG_S[BF], and DBG_S[CF] flags. In all triggermodes except for the event only modes change of flow addresses are stored in the FIFO.In the event only modes only the value on the data bus at the trigger event B comparatormatch address will be stored. A onlyIn the A only trigger mode, if the match condition for A is met, the DBG_S[AF] flag isset. A or BIn the A or B trigger mode, if the match condition for A or B is met, the correspondingflag(s) in the DBG_S register are set. A then BIn the A then B trigger mode, the match condition for A must be met before the matchcondition for B is compared. When the match condition for A or B is met, thecorresponding flag in the DBG_S register is set. Event only BIn the event only B trigger mode, if the match condition for B is met, the DBG_S[BF]flag is set. The event only B trigger mode is considered a begin-trigger type and theDBG_T[BEGIN] bit is ignored. A then event only BIn the A then event only B trigger mode, the match condition for A must be met beforethe match condition for B is compared. When the match condition for A or B is met, thecorresponding flag in the DBG_S register is set. The A then event only B trigger mode isconsidered a begin-trigger type and the DBG_T[BEGIN] bit is ignored.Functional descriptionMC9S08SU16 Reference Manual, Rev. 5, 4/2017570 NXP Semiconductors