17.4.2 Status and Control Register 2 (ADCx_SC2)The ADC_SC2 register controls the compare function, conversion trigger, and conversionactive of the ADC module.Address: Base address + 1h offsetBit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0Read ADACT ADTRG ACFE ACFGT FEMPTY FFULL REFSELWriteReset 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0ADCx_SC2 field descriptionsField Description7ADACTConversion ActiveIndicates that a conversion is in progress. ADACT is set when a conversion is initiated and cleared when aconversion is completed or aborted.0 Conversion not in progress.1 Conversion in progress.6ADTRGConversion Trigger SelectSelects the type of trigger used for initiating a conversion. Two types of trigger are selectable: softwaretrigger and hardware trigger. When software trigger is selected, a conversion is initiated following a writeto ADC_SC1. When hardware trigger is selected, a conversion is initiated following the assertion of theADHWT input.0 Software trigger selected.1 Hardware trigger selected.5ACFECompare Function EnableEnables the compare function.0 Compare function disabled.1 Compare function enabled.4ACFGTCompare Function Greater Than EnableConfigures the compare function to trigger when the result of the conversion of the input being monitoredis greater than or equal to the compare value. The compare function defaults to triggering when the resultof the compare of the input being monitored is less than the compare value.0 Compare triggers when input is less than compare level.1 Compare triggers when input is greater than or equal to compare level.3FEMPTYResult FIFO empty0 Indicates that ADC result FIFO have at least one valid new data.1 Indicates that ADC result FIFO have no valid new data.2FFULLResult FIFO fullTable continues on the next page...ADC Control RegistersMC9S08SU16 Reference Manual, Rev. 5, 4/2017264 NXP Semiconductors