Chapter 33-4F-3-4[1] stabilizes the rotation.[2] holds toner/carrier on the developing cylinder.[3] transfers to paper.[4] cleans the secondary transfer outside roller.[5] picks up paper from the cassette.[6] executes registration.[7] controls 165 to 240 degrees Celcius.[8] controls 140 to 195 degrees Celcius.[9] executes half-speed rotation (to increase temperature of the pressure roller).3.2.3 Basic Sequence of Operations for a Print Job (mono color) 0014-1420Color iR C3380G / Color iR C2880G / Color iR C3380i / Color iR C3380 / Color iR C2880i / Color iR C2880 / iR C3480 / iR C3480i / iR C3080 / iR C3080i / iRC2550Mono, A4, 2 copies, Cassette 1 T-3-2Period DescriptionPSTBY (print standby) whine the machine is ready to accept a copy/print request signal.PINTR (initial rotation) from when a print request signal has been received to when an image signal isgenerated.PRINT from when all toner has been transferred to paper to when the paper is delivered.LSTR (last rotation) from when the paper has been delivered to when all drive is stopped.PSTBY PSTBYPINTR[1][1][5]YYMMCBkCBkYMCBkPRINT LSTRImage reguestsignal (PVREQ)Laser activationDrum/ITB motor(M1)Primarycharging biasPrimarytransfer biasSecondarytransfer biasCassette 1 pickupmotor (M4)Cassette 1 pickupsolenoid (SL2)Registrationclutch (CL6)Fixing heater(H1)Fixing motor(M3)Developing biasPorigon Motor(M13)[7][8] [8][9]Start keyON[3][6][4][2]